Show #1 – Dropping eggs with the EZ-Stick

Click here to watch episode 2!

This was my first ever youtube show! I plan on making goofy stuff and sharing them with you in this fashion, and I hope you will enjoy it.

In this show I equip my EZ-Stick with a bomb drop device, and I try to drop potatoes and eggs from the air on a target.

For those of you that want to make a bomb drop device of your own, here is how to:Continue Reading


The DeltaD

This is the first ever airplane that I have completely designed by myself. I have no Idea if it’s going to fly, but I hope so. It is designed around the power setup from the old AitT flying wing and will have the KFM4 airfoil. I have only used stuff that I had lying around at home already, so this is a budget project.

Wingspan: 50 cm
Length: 50 cm
All up weight: 312 g

Power setup:
Motor: Fiago 20*40 ~3223kv
ESC: 25A HiModel ESC
Battery: 2s 1000mAh Li-po
Servos: Multiplex 9g servos
Prop: 4,75*4,75 Prop

Two 6mm Depron base cut out.

Glued the two halves together.

3mm KF airfoil number 4 step cut out.

Glued on.

Motor mount and bottom KF step glued.

Fuselage done and dry fitted.

Middle vertical stabilizer glued on.

Winglets glued.


Fuselage glued on.

A simple hatch.

Servos, pushrods and control horns in place.

I think it looks pretty good.

I just have mount the motor and it’s done.

Here is the maiden flight:


The EZ-Stick

The weather has been awful here in Sweden for what feels like for ever. So I thought I would build something, and it came to me! An Easystar Slow-Stick’is type of thingi.
Thus the project EZ-Stick was born.

A loose tail.

The stick is a 20*10 mm piece of wood I had laying around.

I made a mounting plate that is easily adjusted out of aluminum. The motor is a Turnigy 35-30C 1100kV.

2 mm piano wire has to do for the landing gear.

Mount for the wing made out of balsa pieces.

HXT900’s servos.

The old pushrods brought back to life.

30A ESC and A123 battery in place.

10*7SF APC Prop.

Here is the maiden flight and the maiden crash:

Only the prop was broken in the crash.

On the first episode of my youtube-show I mount a bomb drop device to the EZ-Stick

To make your own simply follow these instructions:

First off you need a transmitter with a channel to spare, preferably a channel that is assigned to a switch rather then a stick.

  • Take a piece of depron.
  • Make an indentation in the middle to prevent rounded objects from slipping.
  • Fix the servo using double-sided tape or hot-glue
  • Cut two slots in the other end and fit the rubber band.
  • You’re done!

When mounting the bomb drop device on an airplane be sure to mount it as close to the center of gravity as possible! Otherwise you could lose the control of your airplane after you have dropped the cargo.

Here it is in action:


Rainy days…

It has been raining on and of for several days now here in Sweden and the weather forecast does not look good; rain for all of next week too. I sincerely hope that they are wrong.

But there is something good in all that is bad; My wife is letting me buy an Aiptek AHD 300 full HD Camcorder for FPV flying! And she is aware that I will take it apart and remove and desolder all components I don’t need, to save weight. I love her for letting me do what I love (and buying expensive toys)

I’m going to be a reviewer!

I was surfing around the various forums and I found that I had recently received a PM from one of the administrators on the FPV-Community forums. Naturally I started reading it; He complimented me on my website and my FPV flying, I was very flattered so I read on, He wanted to know if I wanted to start a cooperation with their site and become a product reviewer for their review section!


I hope this is the beginning of a long lasting cooperation between our sites, and I hope I get a lot of stuff to review 😉