Ok, I know we are just scratching the surface of the MiniTri’s capabilities. When looking at BlHeliSuite settings for the SN20A ESC, I noticed the possibilities for reversing the engine rotation in flight. Looking at CleanFlight Configurator and CleanFlight GIT, I see that it “should” be possible to configure the MiniTri to fly 3D. I even found that @leothehumangb has commented on a thread related to the configuration 😉
So, the question: Have anyone dared to try this for the precious little mini? I know, intended use of the mini is racing, but I believe with the proper props it would do 3D very nicely too. If it is possible for a “simple” SimpleCopter I cannot see any limitations for the mini.
I would not recommend trying it with triflight unless you’re ready for some major misbehavior of the firmware. There’s some custom code for tail motor speed, that was written without 3d in mind. It’s totally possible to make it work, but some effort is required to figure out if the changes are necessary. I would not be comfortable enabling 3d on it without further investigating the code.
Would the tail servo need to reverse its direction when upside down and turning backwards? It seems like it would yaw in the wrong direction, which would confuse the PID loop into moving the wrong direction. If you zeroed out those terms I suppose it wouldn’t try to correct and you could do it yourself.
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