Ah, I see what you mean. Sounds like you need to reverse the YAW stick on your TX. Tell me, when you are plugged in to mission planner, and you yaw right, what is the value of CH4_IN on the radio calibration page?
Well, that sounds right. Sounds like you need to attempt to hover and just see what happens.. over grass. Is it possible your RC4_REVERSED in ArduCopter is set to 1 instead of 0?
Yesterday I try to keep my copter in hand and test stabilize functions. It doesn’t compensate or it does in an opposite way. I tried to invert servo_1 and servo_2 but nothing changes. It is really weird. All motors turns ok and throttle is ok. HUD commpensation response is ok.
I can’t connect Blheli32 suite having set up blheli passthrough in full parameter list so I can’t reverse motor rotation direction without desoldering motors wires.
My tricopter configuration is MOTOR1-CW MOTOR2-CCW MOTOR3-CCW. I wonder if this firmware does support only the all MOTOR-CCW configuration…
Do you have an idea ?
Hi…in my case I installed Arducopter on a HK Talon Trcopter with a Matek F405 CTR FC. Autotune worked great and it flies beautifully. I wanted to use Arducopter on the Tricopter LR for its features and I’m familiar with it. I used a Matek F405 STD board in it and couldn’t get it to hover.