Home Forums Everything about the Tricopter V4 DX8 and V4 tricopter build

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    I just invested in the V4 tricopter kit and electronics(F3FC) and I have a question on whether my DX8 is the transmitter for the job. My DX8 is about four years old and I got it for a great price, $200 slightly used. So I got my moneys worth so to speak. Question: If I’m looking for a trouble free transmitter set-up for my V4 project, should I just invest in a new transmitter with a more combatible reciever? I’m considering the FrSky Taranis X9D. I really hope to lean on this forum through out my build. Thank you for your advice in advance.



    I don’t know the dx8, but if you have enough channels for arm switch, mode switch (acro, angle, horizon) and two spare for other betaflight/triflight mode functions, it should work.

    That being said, the taranis and other open tx transmitters opens up a lot of options that older radios don’t offer, such as telemetry, Lua scripts, etc. I rely on the taranis functions to call out battery voltage warnings and timer values which leaves you free to concentrate on the flying and not having to look down at your transmitter.

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