Home Forums Everything about the Mini Tricopter Flashing SN20A (BLHeli boot loader) through TriFlight failed

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    Ok, so today I wanted to flash latest BLHeli FW to my new SN20A ESCs, which all have BLHeli Boot Loader. I connected BLHeli Suite to my NAZE32 frame (running triflight 0.3), connected to the ESCs through triflight and successfully read all ESCs’ parameters. I also managed to write parameter changes to the ESCs, so I know for sure they all had BLHeli Boot Loader. So to the problem. When the first ESC (#3 in the GUI), the flashing failed and I ended up with an ESC (left arm) that no longer answers to requests from BLHeli Suite. It is as if the ESC lost it’s boot loader (which I thought would be impossible to over write through triflight).

    I guess I will have to desolder that ESC (again) and flash it using USBASP tool.

    To make things worse, I tested loading CleanFlight to the NAZE32 frame only to find that version 1.10 does NOT support pass through to the ESCs. Then I wanted to flash BetaFlight “soft brick” my NAZE32 frame. The flashing of the FC failed and now I am sitting here with a “dead” FC and one “dead” ESC.

    So, to the ones being “happy” with the 2015-10 batch of hte SN20A ESCs, please be careful when you want to upgrade the FW to latest BLHeli. From what I have experienced, flashing through TriFlight is not a working option for now.

    Any good advices on how to bet all back up and running are welcomed;-) Thanks in advance.

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