Home Forums Everything about everything else Graupner Tricopter toy (Hornet 250)

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    Looks like I started a flame war. I apologize for buying this. Didn’t mean to upset anyone. I’ll return it immediately.

    <end sarcasm>


    Hey! _I_ started it by mentioning the Graupner Tricopter – but I wasn’t being american-clear about being ironic. My bad 😉

    Diversity is good. Please do test it and post your findings. There might be stuff to learn! 😀

    It just pains me that a company like Graupner can and will continue to sell overpriced stuff, even when they were so close to bankruptcy because of their greedy business practices 🙁 Have a look at the Flitetest waterproof foam they sell. They just doubled the price in Europe – because they can. Now some guy sells it in Sweden, and has to sell it at a higher price than Graupner in order not to underbid the greedy giant that flitetest has sold their soul to. Dammit.


    I get it, and I realize the kit is ridiculous. But that’s why I like it. As far as the price goes, I don’t care about $50. In the realm of FPV rc aircraft, $50 doesn’t even qualify as pocket change.


    Just getting around to building this. Using David’s electronics for the baby. Just have to modify the tail (slightly) to fit the slightly larger servo. The hornet will live! (eventually)


    Here it is. Uses the baby electronics set from rcexplorer, along with the F3FC racing board and pdb, and the graupner hornet 250 kit (about $50). The kit didn’t come with leds for the eyes so I have them on order.

    It ended up about 100 grams heavier than the baby, but it flies great and still a TON of power. Also it is larger than the baby, actually closer in size to the mini. So perhaps you might consider going with the mini electronics but I tell you even with the baby the hornet flies great and fast.

    The head has a nice integral mount for a standard board camera, I had a 1000 line one on the shelf with a 2.5mm lens. I am using dragonfly mini tx 5.8 for video. I also have a 25w adjustable voltage regulator and an LC filter for 12v power to the camera and tx.

    Using the XR4-SB receiver.

    In order to use David’s 210DMH servo with feedback wire I had to re-engineer and 3D print the tail arm, servo holder and tail motor mount. I can’t post the STL’s because even compressed they are about 4mb. But if anyone wants the STL’s just ask and I can put them on thingiverse.

    I have to say this is way nicer than I expected. Yes it probably won’t survive a crash too well, but it flies great and looks excellent in the air. I will say that the tail mechanics are superior to the rcexplorer tail. It uses bearings on the tilt mechanism, and is super smooth. I wouldn’t mind David co-opting this design for future tri’s. Also I like the way the servo is held in place, no tie-wraps. The servo is clamped in place and will not move at all.


    Here is an image of my solid models that I created to fit the 210DMH servo with feedback.


    Crashed today when I guess I had a failsafe, from 20 feet high. No damage to the frame! Very tough, and I am shocked. Two broken props and a bent tail servo main shaft (it was one of the older aluminum ones). New stainless steel one on order.

    This hornet flies great! Loving it. Started out as a joke but it really moves. Went up to 4sx1500 75c lipo to add a little bit of flight time and now it seems to have more power. Probably just because it’s brand new and that 1300 lipo I was using is a few years old now.

    I think the power to the rx was cut causing the crash. Replacing that connector.



    I know this is old topic, but i’m intrested in STL files of Hornet tail arm. I crash today so badly :).. Original Graupner servo is plastic junk. I hope ‘bilyd’ is still here.


    You can download the files at the bottom of this post: https://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showpost.php?p=38845780&postcount=12


    Thx man :).

    My mk2 is hot already…

    It’s your hornet still alive? Which flight controler and firmware you use?


    Yes it still flies. Although it’s been gathering dust as I’ve got a lot of projects.

    If you read the rcgroups post I linked above it details the setup in detail.

    Good luck with the build!

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