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    I have just spent the last few days grinding my gears trying to figure out what is wrong with my naze32 tricopter, everything seems to check out, solid yaw system, proper prop and motor direction, everything is wired well, everything is good except for the fact that it wont even keep a hover, everything such seems wonky and the controls are very twitchy, as if the motors are not under control. could this be because I’m not using esc’s running blheli or simonk? please help >< been pounding my head for days trying to figure out whats wrong


    Details would help (gear your using) and maybe a few pic’s of how everything is wired up.


    @Kevin “grinding my gears trying to figure out what is wrong” is an American term meaning, making no progress.

    @slasher, can you bring up the CLI in the BF configurator and type diff then copy the output here. Pictures oh how things are configured would help too.

    This could be a esc issue, someone more knowledgeable may chime in with more information.


    What firmware are you running on your Naze32? Have you calibrated your ESC endpoints? What ESCs are you using? Do you have any pictures of your build?



    @LitterBug I’m running a naze32 rev6 10dof running the lastest triflight beta, 1000kv motors with 1045 props, fs-iab6 reciever, I just flashed all my 30amp ebay escs to the lastest simonk and they now work with oneshot125 which seemed to help slightly.

    Also, when I do the tail tune, then press down on the right stick to confirm its correct the servo only goes to the left and then center, it does not go both ways? nor does it beep when im in tailtune mode and does not save the settings. ohh, and my servo does not have a feedback wire, is this necessary?

    Here is a video of me trying to hover it, some of the movements are me trying to correct the tri with the sticks, because if not it wont lift up level , ending up in another broken prop ><

    Update*: I got the tricopter flying (well kinda, I held it above my head inside XD and let go briefly), I ended up having to flash naze firmware 1.2.1 and use cleanflight 1.2.2 with the basic tricopter settings, when i used any other firmware/software version mix It would not work properly. not sure if my FC is defective, or I just have a bad combo of things, but I would like to use triflight in the future with the naze32 board, maybe I should go with blheli and a feedback servo? this is the first tricopter build I’ve done so this is pretty new to me.


    A couple question for you:

    Have you re-calibrated the ESC endpoints from the CleanFlight Configurator after flashing the firmware?

    Does the 3D model in the configurator move in the same direction as the tricopter when you tilt it and rotate it?

    Does the arrow on the FC point tword the front of the tricopter?



    @LitterBug yes I always re calibrate my end points after a flash, the model moves in the correct way and the fc arrow is also correct. I have boiled the problem down to the yaw motor/movement. basically, now with the stock cleanflight tri config, the yaw motor actually stabilizes the yaw. everything was moving as it should, its just the motors would not sync with each other. I want to take it out once the rain goes away, see how it flies with stock cleanflight config.

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