Home Forums Everything about everything else No servo output on curstom tricopter

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    TL;DR. I had a working tricopter, something caused the flightcontroller to constantly reboot. I figgured out it was a broken servo. Now Im not getting any servo output and weird things happen if I flash old cleanflight versions.

    Edit: Looks like there is a post length limit on this forum that I hit. I posted the whole thing on reddit here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Multicopter/comments/64zgkx/the_regular_rmulticopter_discussion_thread_april/dg82hhx/

    The flight controller is a RMRC Seriously Dodo and im using cleanflight 0.7 beta 1.

    I want to try getting setting the servo output to some other pin than pin 7 but I can’t figgure out how to do it. Does anyone have any ideas what might be wrong?

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