Home Forums Everything about the Tricopter LR OldRaven's Tricopter LR build

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    Regarding the last tune flight,

    I made an error with the Yaw I.

    I had it set to 0.035 while it should probably be set to 0.0035.

    I cannot test it yet because the weather suck this week 🙁


    @Imetomi Here’s the Tarsier Mount I created.
    Just print it twice (and don’t forget to mirror the second one :D)

    Never mind I cannot attach it here.

    I will post it on thingiverse and put the link here.


    Ok so I was able to do 1 test flight last week and now it rains everyday 🙁

    I changed the Yaw I back to 0.0035 and left the rest the same.

    it was a bit windy so hard to judge, but the slow oscillation was sort of gone.
    but it looks like it now looks more like a vibration or a fast oscilaltion. Have to figure out what is going in.

    just in case I’m going to re-balance the props to rule out any vibration from them.

    [email protected]

    so could you already upload the tarsier mount to TV ?



    Yes, took a while 😉

    I’m always in sort of a fight with thingiverse.
    It’s sooooo slow.

    Here’s the link to the tarsier mount.



    Hey, hope my reply is not late in this thread.
    So I’ve just finished my build, using 1700kv motors, 8inch blades, Matek F405 STD, Matek FCHUB-W PDB, Caddx Tarsier, Holybro Atlatl VTX V2 and BN-880 GPS, and an I-Bus receiver so it’s quite similar to yours. It’s a neat and clean build, but I have some serious problems. My motors are getting quite warm, one of them gets hot often (front right). Have you experienced anything like that? My tail oscillates and wobbles a lot. I was not able to make it work with iNav nor Arducopter.
    I will try dRonin this weekend. I am using the same servo but without the feedback wire. Will the tailtune work without it? Does your drone fly well by now?



    I have the same configuration (EMAX ECO 1700KV) and the motors feel barely warm at 525g AUW. It sounds to me that you either have overzealous PIDs, overly high filter cutoffs or a hardware/vibration problem. I suspect vibrations as dronin/BF/iNAV flew largely fine for me stock.
    You can enable virtual servo feedback in lieu of an actual wire. Bench tailtune mode should still be available for setting neutral and end points. Bench servo speed test is no longer helpful, but you can manually set speed to be 200 deg/s, or actually measure with a smartphone video if you are perfectionist. In-flight tailtune should work, as its largest purpose is to gauge how much yaw is needed to compensate for rotor torque and apply feed-forward during quick punch-outs. Not being able to know *actual* servo angle is a minus, but you should still be able to significantly benefit from triflight.



    I have no problems with motors getting warm.
    Are you flying 3S or 4S?
    And what props do you use?

    I fly 3S and use graupner e-props (2 blade), always had great preformance with these compared to other props on the market


    I fly 3s 5200mAh with these props: https://hobbyking.com/en_us/gws-style-slowfly-propeller-8×4-5-black-ccw-4pcs.html
    I liked these a lot on my quads and I’ve balanced them. I will check vibrations this weekend. I also hear some ugly oscillations around 35% throttle just before take-off.


    yeah, I hate those props.. too flimsy
    If you ever get the chance try the graupner e-props, they are a bit more expensive but they don’t flex so much.



    Maybe I will, price is not a big problem but shipping time. Even if these are not so good it shouldn’t cause so much trouble. I mean I was able to make these work on one of my quadcopters.


    It is weird that one motor get’s hotter then the other.. you would expect the other one to be just as hot.

    Did you check the bearings on the motor? I know the ECO MAX motors can have an issue with the bearings.
    When I ordered them I returned one of them because it felt like it did not turn as smooth as the others.. and I did not want to risk putting it on a tri copter that needs extra attention in the first place.

    If there is friction or something because of a faulty bearing, the motor can also run hotter.


    Okay, I swapped the ESC and now it’s working. It was a faulty one. I haven’t tuned it yet but it’s flying and it is controllable. Do you have a printed Tarsier circuit holder as well? Can you please share that file too?


    it’s a pretty simple 2020 plate I made with recessed holes.
    You can crew it to the heatsink of the tarsierboard and then mount everything with double sided tape to the frame.

    I’ll upload it for you to thingiverse 🙂

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