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  • #23024

    Because David and Johanna know how to get satisfied customers;-) I know they sometimes are late at answering some requests, but I think it is totally understandable. They don’t have a big support organisation at their office in the Swedish country side, so whenever they have to travel (business or pleasure), things will take a little longer. When they are back at their office, I know for sure they do their best to get on track with all requests in their inbox. From what I read on this forum, and from my own experience, they to their best in replacing broken parts.

    As for non-hardware support, the forum here is a great source of information. Thanks to all of you who ask and answers questions here, we all learn new things every day. The knowledge of @dkdarkness, @lkaino, @leothehumangb and many others is one of the reasons the tricopters from RCExplorer.se are airborn all over the world.

    Thank you, David, Johanna and all the rest for being Awesome.

    Merry Christmas! May all your wishes come true!


    I agree 100%!

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