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    I’ve been through with my drone and ready to go. but today the receiver didient turn on, it has worked before. someone who knows what it could be due to?


    Receiver X4R sbus


    what do you mean didn’t come on?? are there any lights flashing on the receiver ?


    The thing is that I have setup the receiver and it work. But as I posted before in another post that I had a wierd sound coming from the servo, but I think digital servos gone sound like that apparently. Anyway, I have had some problem with the right motor aswell, when I throttled up around 70% give or take the motor would stayed. That turn out to be that I had to mutch locktite on the screws so the locktite went down to the magnets, so then I removed it and I resoldred the connections to the esc, for now it works fine I think. I think becuse when I would do my maiden flight, the receiver wouldent start/turn on, realy I think its a simple problem but its strange that I cannot get any volts thru to the receiver.
    I had checkt cleanflight, before I mixed with the motor and esc, I had some beeps from the board and in cleanflight I2C errror:3.

    Any ideas?


    And no, no Lights on the receiver, its stonedead… but when I plug in another battery outside the boad the receiver starts and binds with my taranis.


    Alright, I would need some help with this!
    My problem is that I cannot get my receiver to work on any of the uart ports. I have tested if there are any current and it is not.

    So.. Have I fried the board?

    When I plug it into the computer I get the green and the blue light on. And all looks alright from there, the motors run as they should.
    When I plug in the battery I got no lights but the esc gives the beeps!

    I got the f3-board with the recommendation powerpack and electronics.
    Taranis x9D, x4r sb
    I have not flown with it yet:(

    So if someone nows, please tell me so I can order a new board insted of spending time figurge this out.

    I try post some pict!







    Hi stoffen, if you have a multimeter, check the voltage you get in the zero + and – pins, also in the uart ports. I had some problems with the power supply in my board to get 5v in the uart pins. At the end I use a spektrum satellite on uart1 at 3.3v and a separate pololu 5v (https://www.ebay.de/itm/272202549978)to power my osd and leds.
    Also, check carefully all solder points to make sure you have no shorts anywhere (in your picture 0267 it looks like the buzzer pin is shorted with the negative esc connection), if you are getting lights, and the motors beep chances are the board is not fried (yet).
    Another thing i notice from your pictures is that you have selected 6v on the BEC, that is the voltage that will feed the uarts, not sure if your transmitter will work at 6v, you can change the R8 selector to 5v to be sure.
    Even if you cannot get 5v from the uart you can use one of those pololu step down voltage regulators to get clean power, it is cheap, small and reliable.


    Hi villalji !
    thanks for writing back!!

    I’ve tested all the pads and I’ve got the voltage of them.
    but I get no volts from the uarten/pinheadern.
    so I have probably fried the board!
    I resoldered all the pads and also the buzzer but no change.

    So I ordered a new board and I will see if I might be able to acquire new resistor from David and fix it so I have a spare!

    My receiver takes 4-10V.
    I will look into the separate pololu 5v, Thanks for the tip!

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