Home Forums Everything about the Baby Tricopter Servo/Tail Issue

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    Hi all,

    i managed to build my babytri, but i have some servo/tail issue. After calibrating ESC, accel, tail tune I’m able to move the servo without any issues when the frame is on table even rotating the frame servo responds correctly. The minute i arm the babytri and hold it in hands in air no matter which direction/or what kind of throttle the servo starts to shake fast in both directions out of control, if u put the frame back on table servo works just fine and stops shackking/jittering. Servo signal is connected to PWM2 F3FC and powered over PDB BEC set to 6V just the (+) and minus is connected to PWM2 F3FC (-). Feedback wire connected to F3FC. Please someone got mayby and idea whats wrong.

    ps. if it helps i can put an movie from the issue – sorry for my english 😉

    Thank u in advance


    When you are holding it I assume it is at idle throttle? That’s normal with the tricopters. The big ones that have landing gear, if there is even the slightest vibration or breeze when they are idling on the ground, the tail will start doing that. As soon as you power up the tail will smooth out (but you probably don’t want to do that when it’s in your hand!).


    Thank you for the fast answer, but my babytri just oscilates when i add throttle too. The whole tri just shakes in air unflayable. I use the newest triflight 0.5 default pids 🙁 mayby the accel is broken…

    Or mayby im doing something wrong with the tail tuing using the new servo tool, could show some instructions how to use it especialy to set the mid point.


    is the yaw direction correct?
    a) when you turn the copter clockwise (looking from top),
    the tilt mechanism should tilt to the right.
    b) when you “yaw” left (with the remote), the tilt mechanism should tilt to the right.

    and i think, you have also to tune your PIDs… specially for the yaw.


    I managed correct thinks by updating the esc blheli to version 16.2. But now i have another problem, the tri allways drift to right quiet heavy i had to trim the accel to minus -68 to make it semi stable in horizon mode. I calibrated the accel few times no change. Not sure how to setup the mid point of servo during tail tune 🙁 on bench.


    Did you re-calibrate the ESCs after the update? I guess you have done the accelerometer calibration?

    The servo mid-point is easiest to setup with this method:
    1. Put the copter on a level surface, so that the copter is parallel with the surface.
    2. Put a prop on the tail motor.
    3. Measure the distance from the prop tip to the surface on both sides.
    4. Adjust the center position until the distance is equal on both sides.


    Hi Luka,

    Thank you for the answer. Yes i did the accel calibration few times even on a leveled surface. I tested aswell the motors for vibrations no issues there, esc ben calibrated few times too. The only think i did not try yet was props calibration, but i changed few times for new sets of props different brands ect. Firmware is updated to newest.

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