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  • #32096

    First off Thank you David for the baby tricopter this thing is a work of art.

    And thank you lauka for posting those pids and changes to the setup they helped get rid of the crazy oscillations I was having on the tail pre-tune.

    Now to my question. I am going to do the tail tune after work the winds should be low enough to pull it off. My quad drifts around a bit not to much but a bit I haven’t trimmed out the accelerometer yet would that have any effect on the tail tune? Or should I trim it out then tune the tail?

    Thanks Jeff.

    Ps. A build pic is coming soon.


    Do the tail tune in acro mode. It makes it much easier because your not fighting the level mode. When you do the tail tune any stick input besides throttle pauses the tail tune. So in acro mode you just let it sit in a hover during the tail tune, correcting when neccecerry.


    Okay so I’ve attempted the tail tune this evening with the babytri in acro, but I can’t get the thing to stay still, it wants to constantly yaw to the right, slowly not rapidly, I don’t have an outboard blackbox logger so I can’t post any logs. I have other tricopters(the batbone running a kk2 board, and a home brew running aducopter) and I don’t recall having this problem.

    My set up is:
    emax 2205 2600kv motors
    maytech 30a bl_heli_s(latest fw)
    5045 tri blades
    front right is cw, left and tail are ccw double and triple checked this one.

    I’ve done the bench calibration three times, it looks much better now(the tail set up). I’ll attach the cf dump along with this.

    Any help is appreciated.

    I forgot to mention, when on the bench in the sensor tab the z axis on the gyro jumps around from 0.00, -0.24, -0.49, and -0.73

    1. dump.txt

    Sorted it all out, I upgraded to the triflight 0.5 final FW and now the Phantom yaw has disappeared.


    Glad to hear. I had the same experience. 0.5 final release fixed everything I had issues with.

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