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    In a recent FT afterhours podcast David has mentioned the possibility of non-typical merchandise, such as pins. The tricopter pin as something like the mockingjay pin from The Hungergames, but obviously with a few slight modifications.

    I wanted to gauge interest on this or items like this. I have the capabilities to fabricate moulds for the casting of the pins.

    But I am interested in making this a community project, especially the design if there is enough interest. My initial thoughts were or logos similar to the rc explorer logo, but picturing instead of a swede a tricopter.

    Also for possible casting options, I’m thinking copper or a very copper heavy bronze would be suitable potentially as a homage to the copper in these electronic creations we all admire to dearly.

    Attached is a reference image of the pin from the hunger games.

    Let me know what you think.


    I’m super interested 😀 I have bit of an obsession when it comes to pins though. No idea if there is enough interest from other people though.

    Got two ideas so far:
    One with just arrows showing the motor directions of the tricopter. So like the image below but one prop spinning the other direction. Two CCW and one CW.

    Or just a simple tricopter with, but with the typical RCExplorer tricopter frame.


    The first attachment would look awesome!


    I like the idea!

    Here is my 5 cents worth 🙂


    @dkdarkness/terje: Nice! You are a magician with the 3D tools. It got an exclusive look, almost like the Mercedes star;-) And, if you added the camera tray of the V3 it would almost look like the peace symbol.


    This looks awesome. Any chance we can make the text a little deeper but rounded. Almost as if it was milled with a tiny ball nose bit.


    Here is another version I was also pondering. Not specific to the tricopter flyers, but anyone that enjoys the work that David has done and is continuing to do.

    This was just quick idea based off a logo I ripped from vimeo.


    I really like @Terje pin! How small can we make such a pin and sill get decent detail?


    I did some minor changes to the design last night after doing a test print and remembering this TED talk. In short: The logo should be easily recognizable from a distance, a child should be able to draw it from memory and it should not contain text 🙂 If used as a pin, it should not get caught in stuff and from a practical point of view it should be printable/castable. Since I think the RCExplorer frame is iconic, that should be enough to identify the pin as RCExplorer. Granted, once David starts producing fixed wing aircraft, quad, penta, hexcopters etc. we might need a more generic pin. For now I’ll settle for one that clearly says: I’m a tricopter pilot and proud of it 😀

    Detail is pretty ok at 43mm diameter of the ring.


    Awesome @Terje would definitely buy and wear!


    I can print the mould making material from an micro-SLA printer. So detail would still be very accurate even at a slightly scaled down size. I was originally thinking about 30mm diameter. @Terje if you wouldn’t mind sending me the file I can run at test print at a scaled down size. Are you doing design in solidworks?


    30mm is a pretty good size. Ooo a micro-SLA printer 😀 Very nice! Can’t wait to see the first pin!


    Sorry for the delay, I had to redesign the pin for 30mm. Booms were too thin, and the thickness too shallow. Used the Shapeways design limits as a guide. You can now find the STL and source files on Thingiverse.


    I’ll try and get this setup and printing later today. See what it actually comes out like in the casting material. What type of pin back are we wanting? casting a moving joint will definitely add complexity and likely cost. So a simple post style might make the most sense.


    A simple straight pin with counterpart (butterfly clutch?) would be the simplest and least intrusive? The “body” of the tricopter is only about 3.5mm wide at the pin point.
    lapel pin butterfly clutch

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