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    Triflight 0.7 Beta 2 is available at: https://github.com/lkaino/Triflight/releases/0.7-beta2

    Please post any feedback, comments, discussion related to the release to this thread.

    Users with different FCs than F3FC are advised to test the new servo mappings. If your FC doesn’t have a servo mapping, please tell. Check the release notes.


    Is this whats happening?

    Baby tricopter yaws after punch outs

    Now I need to increase acc_yaw_correction again I guess.


    @lkaino: yeey! 🙂 directly put it on. I’m sure the release is fine but I get hard uncommanded yaw’s after a roll. Took some time to get good on camera, but I got it. Sync with +2.6 sec.

    log / video. If you want to take a look, I am very interested in whats wrong.

    The roll ends on frame #57894 (14.891 sec) then a hard uncompounded yaw to the right.

    I had acc_yaw_correction on 0 this flight.

    relevant non standard settings:

    set servo_lowpass_hz = 40
    set servo_lowpass = ON
    set yaw_lowpass = 50
    set d_yaw = 80

    complete diff:

    # diff
    # Triflight 0.7 Beta 2 / BETAFLIGHTF3 3.1.7 Jun 4 2017 / 13:24:55 (1698ba5)
    name baby
    resource MOTOR 1 B07
    resource MOTOR 4 NONE
    resource MOTOR 5 NONE
    resource MOTOR 6 NONE
    resource MOTOR 7 NONE
    resource MOTOR 8 NONE
    resource MOTOR 9 NONE
    resource SERVO 1 B09
    resource PPM 1 NONE
    servo 5 1102 1993 1554 40 40 100 -1

    feature AIRMODE
    map TAER1234
    serial 0 32 115200 57600 0 115200
    serial 2 8192 115200 57600 0 115200
    aux 0 0 0 1300 2100
    aux 1 31 1 1300 2100
    rxfail 5 s 1000
    set rssi_channel = 7
    set debug_mode = GYRO
    set digital_idle_percent = 1.120
    set motor_pwm_protocol = DSHOT150
    set frsky_vfas_precision = 1
    set bat_capacity = 1500
    set gyro_sync_denom = 2
    set deadband = 0
    set yaw_deadband = 0
    set servo_lowpass_hz = 40
    set servo_lowpass = ON
    set tri_tail_servo_speed = 305
    set tri_servo_feedback = EXT1
    set tri_motor_acc_yaw_correction = 0
    set pid_process_denom = 1
    set blackbox_rate_denom = 2
    profile 0

    set yaw_lowpass = 50
    set d_yaw = 80
    rateprofile 0
    rateprofile 0

    set thr_expo = 50
    set roll_srate = 75
    set pitch_srate = 75


    The current state of affairs.


    Downloaded and flashed. Going to finish up my second BabyTri today that has been on hold far too long. Should have it in the air this week. Thanks for all your work @lkaino !



    Did desktop Tailtune and took it out back to try an in-air LOS tailtune. Got the 5 countdown beeps, but never got any more beeps. Tail was twitching a bit, and it was hovering very stable on it’s own. Had a bit of pitch correction periodically, but other than that was pretty stable while it should have been doing the tail tune. gave up after about 5 minutes. Don’t have a logger hooked up, but can hook one up if it doesn’t respond any better on the next attempts.

    Current settings with F3FC (mostly default)

    # diff
    # Triflight 0.7 Beta 2 / RCEXPLORERF3 3.1.7 Jun  4 2017 / 13:39:27 (1698ba5)
    servo 5 1072 1970 1515 40 40 100 -1
    feature CURRENT_METER
    map TAER1234
    serial 0 0 115200 57600 0 115200
    serial 1 64 115200 57600 0 115200
    aux 0 0 1 1450 2050
    aux 1 28 1 1450 2050
    aux 2 1 0 1450 1550
    aux 3 2 0 1950 2050
    aux 4 13 2 1950 2050
    aux 5 31 2 1450 1550
    set min_throttle = 1030
    set disarm_kill_switch = OFF
    set serialrx_provider = SPEK2048
    set vbat_scale = 109
    set vbat_max_cell_voltage = 42
    set ibat_scale = 425
    set deadband = 5
    set yaw_deadband = 5
    set tri_tail_servo_speed = 273
    set pid_process_denom = 4
    profile 0


    Bumped deadbands back to 9 and dropped PIDS a bit. Was getting beeps, but ended in double beep. Going to try different props. Think I have had issues trying to tailtune with these props on my other Baby before.

    Swapped props. Still getting double beeps… Bad weather moving in. Will try again tomorrow…


    flashed fine on the sprf3 board all resources look good and done a bench tail tune as always forgot about the set servo_pwm_rate=50. would i be best fitting a feedback wire to my servo?

    thanks for all the hard work. Darren


    So far I have just been flying LOS. Got my FPV gear all sorted out now so video will be coming soon. Still have not been able to get an in-air tailtune to complete. Always ending in two beeps, Short Long. Even without that being done, the Baby Tri is flying very well. Did a few punch outs and throttle chops and it has not done any really nasty yaw moves. I’ll enable blackbox logging so I can get a better idea of what is making the tailtune fail.

    Have a few questions:
    1) is it OK to run in-air tailtune in acro? I’ve always done it in a leveling mode, but am wondering is that a requirement?
    2) Is there a key to what the tail tune end beeps mean? Or is it just pass fail with fail being anything other than the pretty beep pattern that happens at the end of the disarmed tail tune?



    @bhuism: You’re commanding right yaw during the low throttle. For some reason the copter is pitching back violently after the snap roll. Pitch PID makes the correction, spinning the tail motor at 80%, while the servo is at full deflection left, creating a huge force in yaw axis. Yaw PID tries to fix this but the servo is too slow to move to the other side in time.

    Don’t input yaw during snap rolls :). I have never seen that happen before.

    @LitterBug: The log would really help in investigating why the tail tune doesn’t succeed.

    1) You can do it in acro, I do it always in acro.
    2) There’s only two different beep patterns, pass and fail. There’s no other meaning in them :). Fail is two longer beeps, pass is the pretty pattern.


    @litterbug: The default thrust factor (5.0 if I remember correctly) should work fine on the baby if the servo angles are set up properly.

    But let’s still figure out why the tuning didn’t work.


    @lkaino, thanks again! I’ll try to explain the pitching (which gets corrected with a full deflected servo at the end of the roll) during a roll.

    And try to keep yaw 0 during a roll 🙂

    Another question, the I term of yaw is pretty consistently high through the flight (only not during the roll), is that normal behavior? In the past I did not see this.

    ps: I did tail servo endpoint tuning with Davids servo tuning tool and unarmed tail speed tune, not armed tail tune.


    I switched to acro and tailtune went much better. I think leveling mode must have been interfering some how.
    I’ll have to remember to use Acro going forward. Default thrustfactor is 54 and ended up 56. I am running defaults for all PIDs and rates at this point. Hope to hit the field tomorrow for some FPV.

    Current settings

    # diff
    # Triflight 0.7 Beta 2 / RCEXPLORERF3 3.1.7 Jun  4 2017 / 13:39:27 (1698ba5)
    servo 5 1072 1970 1515 40 40 100 -1
    feature CURRENT_METER
    feature BLACKBOX
    map TAER1234
    serial 0 1 115200 57600 0 115200
    serial 1 64 115200 57600 0 115200
    serial 2 128 115200 57600 0 250000
    aux 0 0 1 1450 2050
    aux 1 28 1 1450 2050
    aux 2 1 0 1450 1550
    aux 3 2 0 1950 2050
    aux 4 13 2 1950 2050
    aux 5 26 1 1950 2050
    aux 6 31 2 1450 1550
    set min_throttle = 1030
    set disarm_kill_switch = OFF
    set serialrx_provider = SPEK2048
    set vbat_scale = 109
    set vbat_max_cell_voltage = 42
    set ibat_scale = 425
    set tri_tail_motor_thrustfactor = 56
    set tri_tail_servo_speed = 273
    set pid_process_denom = 4
    set blackbox_rate_denom = 2
    profile 0

    Rough specs:
    Baby Tricopter
    RCE F3Fc
    RCE Baby PDB
    RCE Bluebird tail servo
    Cobra 2207 2450kv motors
    30A Spedix HV ESCs
    Dalprop 5045 Triblade props
    Diatone SP3 OSD/VTX
    Runcam Swift Mini camera
    Tattu 4S 1550mah 75C battery



    Will the RcexplorerF3 support DSHOT? I’ve been reading a lot of the threads in the forum but don’t recall seeing any mention of it. Sorry if has already been covered.

    Thanks, Jerry


    @phasor, yes it does, like (almost?) all F3 boards 🙂

    What current scale factor are you using for your BFF3 board?

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