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    Hi Marlon 🙂

    Hmm u must have another OSD them me cuse normaly u cannot power those OSD’s apart from the MinimOSD with +12V cuse the microOSD dosent have an voltage regulator it can be only powered with +5V. Anyway best solution is to power the OSD over the +5V out of your FPV transmiter if u have a good one and it can supply min 100mA. Mine microOSD consumes around 100-150mA best u meansure it with a multimeter some can consume up too 500mA 🙁

    ps. u could use aswell a dipswitch inseed of those tacswitches 😉


    PUTTING 12V on the Minimosd Micro WILL FRY IT. So it is a 5V 500mA system! Mine has gone up in smoke.


    Oops 🙁 I managed to tested the solution to provide the telemetry RX over the MiniUSB port and a quick answer is its impossible because triflight dosen’t accept any settings other then MSP 🙁 Could one of you guys check me please what kind of values u getting from the integreated F3FC baro when the tricopter is just laying on desk/powered not armed after like 10 min, and then after 5min of armed and engine on low throtle.


    Hey @neoxio, sorry to read that telemetry can not be sent over MSP. That means CPPM is the only solution for OSD, GPS and smartport. I will flash the X4rSB with the related firmware later this week and sent a short note. A barometer sensor trace (screener) will be sent hopefully tomorrow.

    Take care and happy flying



    Hi Norbert,

    Im using already PPM its the same as CPPM on my D4R-II u still have to send the telemetry data over additional cable to a free UART TX channel. And thank you for checking the baro in advance 😉


    Dear @neoxio,

    sure i need to use smartport on one UART BUT i have one UART more free to use OSD,GPS and telemetry all together.

    … Just flashed my x4rsb with the cppm firmware, bind it and it works using ppm with telemetry.

    Attached you will find the two related screens without and with motor running on the bench. Hope that helps.
    Kind regards




    Yesterday is spend the day soldering and programming another MinimOSD Micro, after sacrificing the other one in the sake of research hehehe. Well this one came dead from the Chintory, it only displays vvvvv’s even after uploading fonts. So ordered a Minimosd normal version this time not the micro. One thing there is more support for the normal and it’s fairly small. There is still a lot of room left in Mini Tri canopy. I have a brOSD left but I want to save that one for another stand alone naze32 project in the future.

    Below you can see the pins I soldered during the weekend in order directly connect the MiminOSD Micro (which resulted in a TOTAL failure) But no worries there is a 3A 5V/6V BEC connected, powering a MinimOSD Micro (the DOA one).
    On the other picture you can admire my GPS still working and even getting a lock indoors. Couldn’t get it display those nice coordinates on the FPV goggles though.


    Hi Norbert,

    thanks for the pictures from the baro test 🙂 i was a bit bussy testing my V4Tri.


    I add my question to this old post
    Does D4R-II telemetry work on F3FC board (tricopter plate one)?
    Shall I connect it to one of free uart port?



    Sure Pietro. D4R-II s.port telemetry connect to UART RX port. I have used it before switching to X4R-SB.


    today I tried to setup D4R-II in PPM mode and telemetry.
    Receiver works but not the same for telemetry.

    On the D4R-II there is a 4 wires plug Green (RX) Red (Tx) White (AD2) and Black (Gnd).
    I set telemetry “ON” in configuration on Betaflight configurator then I tried to set Telemetry Output on each of the 3 uarts at a time on Port tab. As telemetry I set “Frsky”.

    Then I hooked up Green (Rx) on the D4R to Tx on the F3FC.
    Then Armed my tri and went to telemetry tab on Taranis to search for new swnsors..
    No sensor except Voltage (A1 & A2) RSSI and SWR appear..

    I tried also to connect Gnd on RX to Gnd on F3FC but nothing changed
    Then Tried to use smartport as telemetry protocol on Ports tab but again no success…
    Where am I making mistakes?



    I’m Pietro, I cannot post any message or new discussion on this forum since few days ago,
    so I registered myself with a second email address…

    That said
    I was able to configure D4R-II with telemetry with some troubles..
    If I go to port and set telemetry – frsky on uartx, then select ppm receiver in configuration, no telemetry data is sent to D4R-II
    The only way to make telemetry work is to switch to SBUS receiver (ports and configuration) and set smartport as telemetry protocol.
    Save and reboot a pair of times then change back to ppm/frsky. This way thelemetry sensors are recognized on taranis..

    Strange behaviour..



    @pietro-rossin / @pietro-rossin1 : Your messages were SPAM marked and for sure it does not help sending lots of “test”, “ppppp”, “ping” etc. messages to the forum. David’s spam filters every now and then do get false positives, in which case it is better to send a ticket to him over at https://rcexplorer.se/faq/ to have him look for your “blocked messages” and release them. I now see that your new account also is being blocked, so I guess you are better of sending David a support ticket to get your user account(s) white listed.


    Thanks @GAntonjo
    I had an email exchange with David who solved my problem for now.
    Those test-ping-ppp posts were submitted because I didn’t understand why this forum blocked me.

    Both accounts were blocked immediately after sending an URL to some web page (github or other).

    Now I know I can’t add url to any page otherwise this forum blocks me..
    Sorry for bothering you.


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