Home Forums Everything about the Baby Tricopter what motor direction….

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    is required for the baby tri? All CCW or 2 CCW and one CW?
    If all CCW, is one reversed in config when setting up?

    This is my first tri build, so bear with a dumb question……


    Rob McKenzie

    Hi @paulzug, as bellow mate, this is for all the Tricopters of Davids

    The tricopter will fly better with the propellers mounted the following (Copter seen from above): left – CCW, right – CW, tail – CCW. This will help in coordinated turns. It’s not a big deal if front motors are swapped, with left rotating CW and right CCW. It will only mean that you will be fighting it a bit more with stick inputs in the turns. However the CCW rotation of the tail motor is absolutely critical for proper triflight behavior. It will not fly well with the CW tail motor.


    Hi rob,

    Many thanks for the reply. I might have posted a confusing question with various answers. ?.
    Right. Let me try again..?

    You can buy the 2205 motors that are ccw and cw rotation as marked on top of the bell.

    My question really is, should I buy 3 motors that are of the same rotation or 2 ccw motors and 1 cw motor.
    If all 3 motors are ccw, then surely I would need to change the rotation of the righthand motor?
    Gosh, this is confusing…….??

    Rob McKenzie

    Hi @paulzug,

    I remember David saying that this doesn’t make any real world difference.
    He runs all normal motors and has never had a nut loosen and work it’s way off.

    Keep it simple and still with normal threaded shafted 2205’s

    Keep up the questions, we’re all here to help.



    Hi @paulzug,

    If you use all CCW motors these will have conventional right hand threads meaning if you loose a prop nut you should be able to get one from most local hardware suppliers

    If you make sure you use a locknut the prop will not loosen with the prop sizes we use

    you will only need to reverse the direction of the right motor by switching 2 motor wires or reverse rotation in the like of BLheli suite

    hope this helps

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