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I recommend to estimate the weight of a gimbal, mounts, and tall landing legs, then ballast your V4 to see how well it hovers.
More load requires more lift (=more drag), and as the disc loading goes up, the efficiency goes down. This is why the prop size and quantity must go up for heavy multicopters to have decent flight times.DaveLParticipantIn some cases the difference is just the wiring and type of connector to suit a particular flight controller.
I bought this M8N with compass , cut off the supplied connectors, wired it up to the rcexplorer flight controller myself and let the firmware configure it. Works very very well.
The INAV guys have been doing a great job with the gps features and their firmware has given me a safety-net and confidence to go out and practice flying.DaveLParticipantYes I flew it first time yesterday! I did a series of short tests with alt & pos hold (cruise option) to try to figure out how to tune out wobbles. It holds position well but when I move the tricopter in pitch, roll, or yaw, it wobbles like a canoe. It is very steady in angle mode, just wobbles in pos-hold.
I want it to be steady like a flying tripod when yawing, and make smooth transitions when I begin and end movements in cruise mode. Currently the wobbles make it unsuitable for video (and inelegant to watch it flying).For those of you who are new to this (like me 🙂 ), cruising during position-hold means being able to aim and move the multicopter at a slow speed with self-leveling (angle, not acro/rate) and have the flight controller compensate for wind to prevent drifting. When you center the pitch/roll/yaw it stops moving and holds at the new position.
I need this because I am a new & unskilled ‘pilot’ and wish to have assistance while I learn. And I want to make smoother video. And give friends and family a few minutes of supervised fpv hovering/sightseeing. And not have the thing drift off in the wind and find a tree 😀
Btw, it is very steady in angle mode, just wobbles in pos-hold.
INAV works great for this, I just need to find out which pid parameters to adjust to tune out the wobbles.
Dave LDaveLParticipantYes but it must be a CPPM connection, such as on the FrSky D4R-II receiver which I use.
DaveLParticipantHey James, it can be quiet in here especially if you’re asking about old stuff that isn’t shiny anymore 🙂
I don’t have the same type of flight controller or receiver that you have, but here’s a really good place to start:
Triflight / docs / Getting Started.mdAlso read this , and get your firmware here.
The forum is a gold mine, everything has been discussed/tested/crashed/fixed by someone at some point.
More info links:
Tricopter V3.5 build
Naze32 Tricopter frame setupBest wishes!
DaveLParticipantI took some pictures of my GPS-Mount, it is a 1/4 inch solid plastic rod with some rubber tubing at each end, attached to the tail boom with zip-ties. It is a very nice solid attachment, with a bit of elastic flex, and the zip-ties will break in a crash without damaging the boom. The top has an automotive barbed plastic fitting jammed into another piece of rubber tube, and some double-sided-tape (henceforth called dst) to hold the gps puck in place, around 18cm above the tailboom.
I’ll replace the plastic rod with a lightweight carbon tube some day.Attachments:
DaveLParticipantI just ignored the motor-direction arrows in the configurator and wired up the motors to get the directions recomended by Triflight. Works the same with Cleanflight/Triflight/iNav, no rewiring required to switch firmware.
DaveLParticipantWilco1967 described iNav so very well in his first post. All I can add is that iNav/Cleanflight is so good that even a complete newb can assemble a collection of good components and good software, read the forums for a few weeks, and get a hands-off pos+alt hold hover on the firmware maiden flight.
Very good stuff. Thank-you to everyone involved!
Here is the CLI dump – I changed very few things from default. Note that some settings appear to be new or different in this version 1.3rc2 compared to the 1.2 dump from wilco1967’s original post.# dump # version # INAV/RCEXPLORERF3 1.3.0 Oct 24 2016 / 11:32:21 (6d02467) # pflags # Persistent config flags: 0x00000001 # dump master # mixer mixer TRI mmix reset smix reset # feature feature -RX_PPM feature -VBAT feature -UNUSED_1 feature -RX_SERIAL feature -MOTOR_STOP feature -SERVO_TILT feature -SOFTSERIAL feature -GPS feature -FAILSAFE feature -SONAR feature -TELEMETRY feature -CURRENT_METER feature -3D feature -RX_PARALLEL_PWM feature -RX_MSP feature -RSSI_ADC feature -LED_STRIP feature -DISPLAY feature -UNUSED_2 feature -BLACKBOX feature -CHANNEL_FORWARDING feature -TRANSPONDER feature -AIRMODE feature -SUPEREXPO feature -VTX feature -RX_SPI feature -SOFTSPI feature -PWM_SERVO_DRIVER feature RX_PPM feature VBAT feature GPS feature FAILSAFE feature TELEMETRY feature LED_STRIP # beeper beeper GYRO_CALIBRATED beeper RX_LOST beeper RX_LOST_LANDING beeper DISARMING beeper ARMING beeper ARMING_GPS_FIX beeper BAT_CRIT_LOW beeper BAT_LOW beeper GPS_STATUS beeper RX_SET beeper ACC_CALIBRATION beeper ACC_CALIBRATION_FAIL beeper READY_BEEP beeper MULTI_BEEPS beeper DISARM_REPEAT beeper ARMED beeper SYSTEM_INIT beeper ON_USB # map map TAER1234 # serial serial 20 1 115200 38400 0 115200 serial 0 0 115200 38400 0 115200 serial 1 4 115200 38400 0 115200 serial 2 2 115200 38400 0 115200 # led led 0 14,1:S:A:0 led 1 13,1:N:CB:0 led 2 0,0::C:0 led 3 0,0::C:0 led 4 0,0::C:0 led 5 0,0::C:0 led 6 0,0::C:0 led 7 0,0::C:0 led 8 0,0::C:0 led 9 0,0::C:0 led 10 0,0::C:0 led 11 0,0::C:0 led 12 0,0::C:0 led 13 0,0::C:0 led 14 0,0::C:0 led 15 0,0::C:0 led 16 0,0::C:0 led 17 0,0::C:0 led 18 0,0::C:0 led 19 0,0::C:0 led 20 0,0::C:0 led 21 0,0::C:0 led 22 0,0::C:0 led 23 0,0::C:0 led 24 0,0::C:0 led 25 0,0::C:0 led 26 0,0::C:0 led 27 0,0::C:0 led 28 0,0::C:0 led 29 0,0::C:0 led 30 0,0::C:0 led 31 0,0::C:0 # color color 0 0,0,0 color 1 0,255,255 color 2 0,0,255 color 3 30,0,255 color 4 60,0,255 color 5 90,0,255 color 6 120,0,255 color 7 150,0,255 color 8 180,0,255 color 9 210,0,255 color 10 240,0,255 color 11 270,0,255 color 12 300,0,255 color 13 330,0,255 color 14 0,0,0 color 15 0,0,0 # mode_color mode_color 0 0 1 mode_color 0 1 11 mode_color 0 2 2 mode_color 0 3 13 mode_color 0 4 10 mode_color 0 5 3 mode_color 1 0 5 mode_color 1 1 11 mode_color 1 2 3 mode_color 1 3 13 mode_color 1 4 10 mode_color 1 5 3 mode_color 2 0 10 mode_color 2 1 11 mode_color 2 2 4 mode_color 2 3 13 mode_color 2 4 10 mode_color 2 5 3 mode_color 3 0 8 mode_color 3 1 11 mode_color 3 2 4 mode_color 3 3 13 mode_color 3 4 10 mode_color 3 5 3 mode_color 4 0 7 mode_color 4 1 11 mode_color 4 2 3 mode_color 4 3 13 mode_color 4 4 10 mode_color 4 5 3 mode_color 5 0 9 mode_color 5 1 11 mode_color 5 2 2 mode_color 5 3 13 mode_color 5 4 10 mode_color 5 5 3 mode_color 6 0 6 mode_color 6 1 2 mode_color 6 2 1 mode_color 6 3 0 mode_color 6 4 1 mode_color 6 5 2 mode_color 6 6 3 mode_color 6 7 6 mode_color 6 8 0 mode_color 6 9 0 mode_color 6 10 0 set looptime = 2000 set i2c_overclock = OFF set gyro_sync = OFF set gyro_sync_denom = 2 set mid_rc = 1500 set min_check = 1100 set max_check = 1900 set rssi_channel = 0 set rssi_scale = 30 set rssi_ppm_invert = OFF set rc_smoothing = ON set input_filtering_mode = OFF set min_throttle = 1150 set max_throttle = 2000 set min_command = 1000 set 3d_deadband_low = 1406 set 3d_deadband_high = 1514 set 3d_neutral = 1460 set 3d_deadband_throttle = 1000 set motor_pwm_rate = 2000 set motor_pwm_protocol = ONESHOT125 set fixed_wing_auto_arm = OFF set disarm_kill_switch = ON set auto_disarm_delay = 5 set small_angle = 25 set reboot_character = 82 set gps_provider = UBLOX set gps_sbas_mode = WAAS set gps_dyn_model = AIR_1G set gps_auto_config = ON set gps_auto_baud = ON set inav_auto_mag_decl = ON set inav_accz_unarmedcal = ON set inav_use_gps_velned = ON set inav_gps_delay = 200 set inav_gps_min_sats = 6 set inav_w_z_baro_p = 0.350 set inav_w_z_gps_p = 0.200 set inav_w_z_gps_v = 0.500 set inav_w_xy_gps_p = 1.000 set inav_w_xy_gps_v = 2.000 set inav_w_z_res_v = 0.500 set inav_w_xy_res_v = 0.500 set inav_w_acc_bias = 0.010 set inav_max_eph_epv = 1000.000 set inav_baro_epv = 100.000 set nav_disarm_on_landing = OFF set nav_use_midthr_for_althold = OFF set nav_extra_arming_safety = ON set nav_user_control_mode = CRUISE set nav_position_timeout = 5 set nav_wp_radius = 100 set nav_max_speed = 300 set nav_max_climb_rate = 500 set nav_manual_speed = 500 set nav_manual_climb_rate = 200 set nav_landing_speed = 200 set nav_land_slowdown_minalt = 500 set nav_land_slowdown_maxalt = 2000 set nav_emerg_landing_speed = 500 set nav_min_rth_distance = 500 set nav_rth_tail_first = OFF set nav_rth_alt_mode = AT_LEAST set nav_rth_altitude = 1500 set nav_mc_bank_angle = 30 set nav_mc_hover_thr = 1500 set nav_mc_auto_disarm_delay = 2000 set nav_fw_cruise_thr = 1400 set nav_fw_min_thr = 1200 set nav_fw_max_thr = 1700 set nav_fw_bank_angle = 20 set nav_fw_climb_angle = 20 set nav_fw_dive_angle = 15 set nav_fw_pitch2thr = 10 set nav_fw_roll2pitch = 75 set nav_fw_loiter_radius = 5000 set serialrx_provider = SBUS set spektrum_sat_bind = 0 set telemetry_switch = OFF set telemetry_inversion = ON set frsky_default_lattitude = 0.000 set frsky_default_longitude = 0.000 set frsky_coordinates_format = 0 set frsky_unit = IMPERIAL set frsky_vfas_precision = 0 set hott_alarm_sound_interval = 5 set battery_capacity = 0 set vbat_scale = 110 set vbat_max_cell_voltage = 43 set vbat_min_cell_voltage = 33 set vbat_warning_cell_voltage = 35 set current_meter_scale = 400 set current_meter_offset = 0 set multiwii_current_meter_output = OFF set current_meter_type = ADC set align_gyro = DEFAULT set align_acc = DEFAULT set align_mag = CW90 set align_board_roll = 0 set align_board_pitch = 1800 set align_board_yaw = 0 set gyro_lpf = 42HZ set moron_threshold = 32 set imu_dcm_kp = 2500 set imu_dcm_ki = 50 set imu_dcm_kp_mag = 10000 set imu_dcm_ki_mag = 0 set pos_hold_deadband = 20 set alt_hold_deadband = 50 set yaw_motor_direction = 1 set yaw_jump_prevention_limit = 200 set tri_unarmed_servo = ON set servo_lowpass_freq = 400 set servo_lowpass_enable = OFF set servo_center_pulse = 1500 set servo_pwm_rate = 50 set failsafe_delay = 10 set failsafe_off_delay = 200 set failsafe_throttle = 1300 set failsafe_kill_switch = OFF set failsafe_throttle_low_delay = 100 set failsafe_procedure = SET-THR set rx_min_usec = 885 set rx_max_usec = 2115 set acc_hardware = 0 set baro_use_median_filter = ON set baro_hardware = 0 set mag_hardware = 0 set blackbox_rate_num = 1 set blackbox_rate_denom = 1 set blackbox_device = SERIAL set magzero_x = 50 set magzero_y = -25 set magzero_z = 3 set acczero_x = -119 set acczero_y = -59 set acczero_z = 1580 set ledstrip_visual_beeper = OFF set accgain_x = 4113 set accgain_y = 4091 set accgain_z = 4166 # rxfail rxfail 0 h rxfail 1 h rxfail 2 h rxfail 3 h rxfail 4 h rxfail 5 h rxfail 6 h rxfail 7 h rxfail 8 h rxfail 9 h rxfail 10 h rxfail 11 h rxfail 12 h rxfail 13 h rxfail 14 h rxfail 15 h rxfail 16 h rxfail 17 h # dump profile # profile profile 0 # aux aux 0 0 2 1900 2100 aux 1 1 1 925 2100 aux 2 3 3 1900 2100 aux 3 9 1 1300 1700 aux 4 8 1 1875 2100 aux 5 20 0 1875 2100 aux 6 0 0 900 900 aux 7 0 0 900 900 aux 8 0 0 900 900 aux 9 0 0 900 900 aux 10 0 0 900 900 aux 11 0 0 900 900 aux 12 0 0 900 900 aux 13 0 0 900 900 aux 14 0 0 900 900 aux 15 0 0 900 900 aux 16 0 0 900 900 aux 17 0 0 900 900 aux 18 0 0 900 900 aux 19 0 0 900 900 # adjrange adjrange 0 0 0 900 900 0 0 adjrange 1 0 0 900 900 0 0 adjrange 2 0 0 900 900 0 0 adjrange 3 0 0 900 900 0 0 adjrange 4 0 0 900 900 0 0 adjrange 5 0 0 900 900 0 0 adjrange 6 0 0 900 900 0 0 adjrange 7 0 0 900 900 0 0 adjrange 8 0 0 900 900 0 0 adjrange 9 0 0 900 900 0 0 adjrange 10 0 0 900 900 0 0 adjrange 11 0 0 900 900 0 0 # rxrange rxrange 0 1000 2000 rxrange 1 1000 2000 rxrange 2 1000 2000 rxrange 3 1000 2000 # servo servo 0 1000 2000 1500 90 90 100 -1 servo 1 1000 2000 1500 90 90 100 -1 servo 2 1000 2000 1500 90 90 100 -1 servo 3 1000 2000 1500 90 90 100 -1 servo 4 1000 2000 1500 90 90 100 -1 servo 5 1000 2000 1500 90 90 100 -1 servo 6 1000 2000 1500 90 90 100 -1 servo 7 1000 2000 1500 90 90 100 -1 set nav_alt_p = 50 set nav_alt_i = 0 set nav_alt_d = 0 set nav_vel_p = 100 set nav_vel_i = 50 set nav_vel_d = 10 set nav_pos_p = 65 set nav_pos_i = 120 set nav_pos_d = 10 set nav_posr_p = 180 set nav_posr_i = 15 set nav_posr_d = 100 set nav_navr_p = 10 set nav_navr_i = 5 set nav_navr_d = 8 set deadband = 5 set yaw_deadband = 5 set throttle_tilt_comp_str = 0 set flaperon_throw_offset = 250 set flaperon_throw_inverted = OFF set gimbal_mode = NORMAL set fw_iterm_throw_limit = 165 set mode_range_logic_operator = OR set default_rate_profile = 0 set mag_declination = -1030 set mag_hold_rate_limit = 90 set p_pitch = 40 set i_pitch = 30 set d_pitch = 23 set p_roll = 40 set i_roll = 30 set d_roll = 23 set p_yaw = 85 set i_yaw = 45 set d_yaw = 0 set p_level = 20 set i_level = 15 set d_level = 75 set max_angle_inclination_rll = 300 set max_angle_inclination_pit = 300 set gyro_soft_lpf_hz = 60 set acc_soft_lpf_hz = 15 set dterm_lpf_hz = 40 set yaw_lpf_hz = 30 set yaw_p_limit = 300 set iterm_ignore_threshold = 200 set yaw_iterm_ignore_threshold = 50 set rate_accel_limit_roll_pitch = 0 set rate_accel_limit_yaw = 10000 # dump rates # rateprofile rateprofile 0 set rc_expo = 70 set rc_yaw_expo = 20 set thr_mid = 50 set thr_expo = 0 set roll_rate = 20 set pitch_rate = 20 set yaw_rate = 20 set tpa_rate = 0 set tpa_breakpoint = 1500 #
I did nothing to set or trim the tail servo.
I haven’t done any accel trim yet, in flight or on the ground.
I’m sorry for the limited info but I’m so new at this stuff that I have only one broken prop hanging on the wall in my shop 😀The compass I have is integral to this Ublox M8N unit, which I chose based on reviews and I’m very happy with it. Was plug-and-play, no pull-up resistors on the compass. Btw I found EZ-GUI to be excellent for calibrating the mag compass – you can power the F3FC from your phone/otg-cable. Go outside to do the cal, away from ferrous metal and electrical fields, and to try all the compass orientation setting until it works. Mine worked with CW90 and the arrow on the gps housing pointing forward to direction of flight.
Vibration control – following Wilco1967’s recommendations, I put 3m VHB tape at the motor mounts, none at the rear motor or at the frame. Plus the HQProps were nearly perfect right out of the package.
Altitude hold was solid during this evening’s test flights.Final note, the default pids are very responsive and fast reacting to turbulence during poshold but I noticed it is twitchy/wobbly during flying so some tuning will be required (more reading!).
This is cool stuff! Now I just need a terrain following radar/sonar, so I can chase my son around on his dirtbike with a gopro!
DaveLParticipantHey guys, I’m at work but will post details this evening (Toronto time).
It is mostly unchanged from defaults, certainly the pids are default values.After recording the video, I moved to a larger field and tested RTH activated by a switch, which worked perfectly, very good descent rate control and landed exactly at the home point, facing same way. I will soon test Failsafe RTH and believe it will work well.
DaveLDaveLParticipantWow I flew iNav for the first time tonight, awesome!
It was gusty and turbulent wind, swirling around backyard, but position hold was tight and stable, I’m very impressed.
Thanks wilco1967 for starting this thread, which gave me some confidence to try it out.Here’s the maiden flight: iNav testflight
DaveLParticipantRCEXPLORER V3 – new to me and unflown until now
RCEXPLORER F3FC frame & latest TriFlight.
Afro 30A & latest BLHeli
SK3 2830 920kv
Turnigy 210 servo with feedback wire mod
D4R-II receiver
DJT tx module in 9xr pro
EF-01 FPV cam/tx unit
lots of zip-ties!
check out the durable zip-tie landing gear!
weight without battery 580g3S 2200mAh 45C
8045 HQ MR props
all-up-weight 780g
9 amps total at hover (uncalibrated, from telemetry)3S2P 5200mAh 15C 360g
9045 HQ MR props
all-up-weight (including gopro 3) 1080g
12 amps total at hover (“)Current draw seems to be proportional to weight.
DaveLParticipantJust in case – you need an OTG cable to make it work, plus the male-mini to male usb-A that you already have.
No offense intended if you already know this 🙂DaveLParticipantLOS flying is hard! I’m very new at this but I’m forcing myself to practice los and get good enough at it, because gps and fpv systems can go down at any time. I’ve beat up my son’s toy drones pretty badly 😀
You’re right about reliance on autonomous systems! Earlier this year a fellow I dirt-bike with lost his drone (and his gopro) in the ocean. So now I’m the designated aerial-video-chase-tricopter-ographer, if I can get good at it. But what I really want to do is get some kind of loiter mode working and put goggles on my Dad (he’s 77) so he can spin around in circles at a safe altitude and enjoy the view.
Sonar – I just want to see if it will enable altitude-hold to do fast terrain-following on smooth rolling hills. Curiosity, but could make for some interesting dirt-bike-chase-video if it works.
Update: I visited that site with the smooth rolling hills yesterday – oh! I want to bring the WR400 out there, pick some nice lines and ride over those hills in top gear to get some long, long air without being far from the ground.
Been snooping around Github, looks like they’re working hard to release some improvements in *_flight which may make it possible to connect several kinds of sonar (and laser altimeter I hope, as I have to test one for work).
DaveLParticipantHey Marlon, what about setting a higher minimum-throttle, not high enough to maintain hover or prevent descent, but enough to have it behave itself on throttle cut ? It will take some trial and error to see if it works, but you could get EZ-GUI on your phone and tweak it on the flying field.