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  • in reply to: Testing – Triflight rebased on 3.2.2 Betaflight #60885

    Nope, I got nothing from Lauka. Put flying in general on the back burner for the winter, figure I’d try BetaFlight 4.0 when it comes out…

    in reply to: First Tricopter #59808

    I would definitely go with the mini-tri. Small form factor, and nicely behaved πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Terjes bicopter thread #59568

    Just mount the tilt mechanisms on a 15 degree wedge and see if it makes a difference.

    in reply to: Terjes bicopter thread #59563

    One mount is mirrored, that’s the whole difference. Standard works also, but not as pretty πŸ™‚

    Kevin_Erik, isn’t it time you invest in a 3D printer?

    in reply to: Bicopter servo output #59552

    The Bicopter does not like propwash at all. Try going forwards while descending. The lean/drift is most likely to come from the wind. The Bicopter does not like wind either πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Bicopter servo output #59546

    Looking at

    const timerHardware_t timerHardware[USABLE_TIMER_CHANNEL_COUNT] = {

    #if defined(OMNIBUSF4SD) || defined(EXUAVF4PRO)
    DEF_TIM(TIM10, CH1, PB8, TIM_USE_PWM | TIM_USE_PPM, 0, 0), // PPM
    DEF_TIM(TIM4, CH4, PB9, TIM_USE_PWM, 0, 0), // S2_IN
    DEF_TIM(TIM12, CH1, PB14, TIM_USE_PWM | TIM_USE_PPM, 0, 0), // PPM
    DEF_TIM(TIM12, CH2, PB15, TIM_USE_PWM, 0, 0), // S2_IN

    DEF_TIM(TIM8, CH1, PC6, TIM_USE_PWM, 0, 0), // S3_IN, UART6_TX
    DEF_TIM(TIM8, CH2, PC7, TIM_USE_PWM, 0, 0), // S4_IN, UART6_RX
    DEF_TIM(TIM8, CH3, PC8, TIM_USE_PWM, 0, 0), // S5_IN
    DEF_TIM(TIM8, CH4, PC9, TIM_USE_PWM, 0, 0), // S6_IN

    DEF_TIM(TIM3, CH3, PB0, TIM_USE_MOTOR, 0, 0), // S1_OUT D1_ST7
    DEF_TIM(TIM3, CH4, PB1, TIM_USE_MOTOR, 0, 0), // S2_OUT D1_ST2
    DEF_TIM(TIM2, CH4, PA3, TIM_USE_MOTOR, 0, 1), // S3_OUT D1_ST6
    DEF_TIM(TIM2, CH3, PA2, TIM_USE_MOTOR, 0, 0), // S4_OUT D1_ST1

    #if defined(OMNIBUSF4SD) || defined(EXUAVF4PRO)
    DEF_TIM(TIM5, CH2, PA1, TIM_USE_MOTOR, 0, 0), // S5_OUT
    DEF_TIM(TIM4, CH1, PB6, TIM_USE_LED, 0, 0), // LED strip for F4 V2 / F4-Pro-0X and later (RCD_CS for F4)
    DEF_TIM(TIM1, CH1, PA8, TIM_USE_MOTOR, 0, 0), // S6_OUT
    DEF_TIM(TIM1, CH2, PA9, TIM_USE_NONE, 0, 0), // UART1_TX
    DEF_TIM(TIM1, CH3, PA10, TIM_USE_NONE, 0, 0), // UART1_RX

    Motors 1 and 2 (S1_OUT, S2_OUT) use timer 3 and motors 3 and 4 (S3_OUT, S4_OUT) use timer 2, so you should be fine.

    in reply to: Bicopter servo output #59467


    Use the latest official Betaflight.

    Use David’s CLI dump (or my diff).

    And you’re done.

    in reply to: Bicopter servo output #59343


    No. I installed Betaflight 3.5.1 on the RCExplorerF3 (prior to installing the KakuteF4v2). Here is the diff:

    # diff
    # Betaflight / RCEXPLORERF3 (REF3) 3.5.1 Sep 2 2018 / 03:22:27 (890d0e0b9) MSP API: 1.40

    board_name RCEXPLORERF3
    resource MOTOR 1 B00
    resource MOTOR 2 A04
    resource MOTOR 3 NONE
    resource MOTOR 4 NONE
    resource SERVO 1 A07
    resource SERVO 2 A08
    mmix 0 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000
    mmix 1 1.000 -1.000 0.000 0.000
    servo 2 900 2100 1585 100 -1
    servo 3 900 2100 1420 100 -1
    servo 4 1050 1950 1500 100 -1
    smix 0 2 2 100 0 0 100 0
    smix 1 2 1 -100 0 0 100 0
    smix 2 3 2 100 0 0 100 0
    smix 3 3 1 100 0 0 100 0

    feature -ANTI_GRAVITY
    feature TELEMETRY
    beeper -ON_USB
    serial 1 32 115200 57600 0 115200
    aux 0 0 0 1300 1700 0 0
    aux 1 1 1 900 1300 0 0
    aux 2 2 1 1300 1700 0 0
    aux 3 28 0 1725 2100 0 0
    set gyro_lowpass_hz = 90
    set acc_trim_pitch = -6
    set acc_calibration = -12,17,47
    set mag_hardware = NONE
    set baro_hardware = NONE
    set rssi_scale = 41
    set rc_interp_ch = RP
    set min_throttle = 1015
    set motor_pwm_rate = 2000
    set align_board_yaw = 270
    set current_meter = ADC
    set ibata_scale = 336
    set ibatv_scale = 336
    set servo_pwm_rate = 250
    set deadband = 5
    set yaw_deadband = 6
    profile 0

    set dterm_lowpass_type = BIQUAD
    set dterm_notch_hz = 260
    set anti_gravity_gain = 1000
    set iterm_windup = 50
    set yaw_lowpass_hz = 50
    set throttle_boost = 0
    set p_pitch = 60
    set i_pitch = 45
    set d_pitch = 60
    set p_roll = 45
    set i_roll = 20
    set d_roll = 15
    set p_yaw = 40
    set i_yaw = 20
    set d_yaw = 60
    set f_yaw = 0
    rateprofile 0

    PS: Don’t use the gemfan 5152 on the bicopter, they will just make it crash faster. Use HQ 5x4x3 or KingKong 5x4x3 instead.


    Yes I couldn’t leave good enough alone.

    Got the kit, put a KakuteF4v2 AIO in it (Because life just wasn’t complicated enough) and put the impossible tilt on it. Lesson learned: Motors and servos need to be on different timers to work, so it does matter which motor outputs you assign to what. Since the AIO won’t fit with the USB sticking to the front or back, I drilled a hole in the side plate – I know, it is sacrilege (David forgive me, for I have drilled πŸ˜‰

    Hovers great in my living room – It’s going to rain in Denmark for the next 9 months or so, but will test properly when the weather allows.

    Bicopter balances with motors straight or tilted to either side – So the mass of the motors does not influence (in a serious way) the way the bicopter transitions from hover to forward/backwards flight.

    in reply to: Bicopter servo output #59300

    Don’t know if it is relevant anymore, but you won’t see the servos moving in the motors tab. Only motor 1 and motor 2 have motor resource assignments.

    To move the servos, you will need to go to the servos tab (enable expert mode in Betaflight). Here the mapping is:

    Servo 1 = Servo 4
    Servo 2 = Servo 5

    Hope that helps.

    in reply to: BiCopter + F3FC + Betaflight #59156

    @David, anytime πŸ™‚

    Hope to build a bicopter from existing parts in the coming weeks πŸ™‚


    Well the tail would in forward flight give the bicopter a self righting tendency, but in reverse it would amplify the angle of attack? Also the direction of the prop rotation would in the current configuration (towards the fuselage in forward flight) cause corrections to not amplify the yaw when correctiong for tilt – something we with the reversing of the props on the minitri, used to our advantage in improved cornering. When reversing, corrections in motor rotation to counter tilt, would amplify yaw?

    in reply to: RunCam micro mount and protector for the BabyTri #58914

    No, it is for 19mm cameras. Pull the f3d file into Fusion360 and adjust for your needs πŸ™‚

    in reply to: New experimental impossible tilt for the BabyTri #58047

    Thanks for testing @Kevin_Erik! Were you using the “old” metal gear servos, or the steel version?

    in reply to: New experimental impossible tilt for the BabyTri #58046

    Thanks for testing. I’ve updated the design to be used with the 2208 and 2217 motors (same mount). New back holder with more clearance for the babytri, new back holder with indicator indent on the Mini and V4.

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