Tricopter kit order update

Tricopter V3 parts

Sorry to tell you guys but, I’ve run into a supply issue.

I got a bad batch of components from a manufacturer. I don’t want to send out inferior quality parts so I immediately ordered new ones from a different manufacturer. The parts were supposed to arrive last week but the manufacturer didn’t include the correct import documents and the shipment was sent back. Now the parts have the right documents and are on the way with the highest priority currier. The manufacturer has assured me that the new components will be here early next week. As soon as I get the parts I will work day and night to get the orders out.
I’m terrible sorry for the wait.
I marked everything in the store as backordered. This is because I’m currently fulfilling all backorders and don’t want to give a false impression that any new orders will be processed quickly. Any order placed at this time won’t be shipped until the end of the week or beginning of next week. Once I’m completely caught up I will restore all items to be in stock.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
I have just caught up with all orders! Now, I’ll just have to take some time to inventory how much I actually have left in stock (not too much…). Thank you all for your patience!

My acting debut

Episode 4 of Rotor DR1 is here!

I’ve been heavily involved in the creative process of DR1 and so far it’s been exhausting, but extremely gratifying. Making a movie / web-series based on community input and feedback is incredible. There are so many talented people out there and together we can create something powerful and memorable. I’m very grateful to be apart of this.

The FPV footage in the abandoned mall is shot with the tricopter V3. It was such an awesome place to fly FPV. Such a surreal experience flying around in a huge mall with smashed glass and broken things everywhere. I’ll post my own FPV video from there as soon as I’m done with the KK2 setup video and shipping out all the backorders 😉

Thank you to everyone that has given input or feedback in any shape or form, or even just watched the episodes. It’s because of you, and for you that we make this film.

So what did you think of this episode? What do you think about the whole series? Leave a comment and make a difference.

Update: I’m in episode 5 as well:

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