The adventure doesn’t end yet

Wow time flies! It’s already time to leave California. Time just races by. But my adventure is not over yet. I’m flying to Miami next, where I will visit my friend Heiko, who is a wildlife videographer. He does amazing work, check some sample clips on his page.

The plan is to go into the Everglades and get some footage with the tricopter. We’ll see how many GoPro’s I’ll have left after this trip. Hopefully it will be fine.

Back from Mexico

Hi Guys! I’m back from my trip to Mexico!
Beach 02
Mexico is hot! Really, really hot. And humid. Luckily the hotel-rooms had AC ^^
The hotel we stayed at and did the aerial photography for was huge. They had two really big pools and a really big beach. Even though the hotel was booked to 90%, it didn’t feel like there were that many people there, which was nice.

My hotel-room was really nice. It had a real touch of luxury to it and I even had a Jacuzzi (which was awesome).

The week was far from trouble free though. The winds were really strong which didn’t make flying the tricopter easier. They manly wanted pictures of the resort, so we made that our priority. We strapped on a secondary camera which we set for continuous shooting and did over 30 flights in total.

Here is a sample of the pictures we took:Continue Reading