Broke my anycopter! need the new tricopter :D

So, I built a quad copter with the anycopter from flitetest at the beginning of the year.  I’ve had all kinds of problems from getting 1 bad (out of 4) ESCs and having to re-order, to unbalanced props, to other various vibration issues…  I couldn’t get that thing to fly nicely 1 time 🙁  I added a battery/gopro tray, removed it, tested, diagnosed, tested, diagnosed…


Anyway, I got tired of it after a slow 6 months and just took off with vengeance over 40 meters in the air and started banging sticks.  Throwing caution to the wind and flying carelessly was kind of relieving for the few minutes I had it in the air.  The flight was actually not bad, but 1 motor kept vibrating so violently that it’d loose all it’s lift and the quad would fall toward the ground.  I’d cut the throttle and slowly recover several times until I just went all out and crashed it right into the ground.  It hit so hard in the soft muddy grass that 3 booms broke as it stuck about a decimeter in the ground.  Needless to say, I was done with that frame and I need to start over.  All the electronics still work, so I’m ready for a new frame and I’m thinking about David’s new tri copter.  It looks stable and fun.  It’s also geared toward my gopro/fpv setup.


If anyone has experienced 1 motor vibrating so badly that the prop slows down, let me know what you did to fix it.  Here are things I’ve already tried:

1) replaced props

2) balanced props (tape and sanding) several times

3) remounted motor mount

4) removed and mounted motor mounts directly to the booms with bolts.


Basically the only thing I didn’t try was to balance the motor someh0w? or maybe remount the Control Board to a softer vibration dampening system (tho I don’t think that’s it due to the violent vibration).  It feels like it’ll snap the boom it vibrates so hard.


Anyway!  That’s it for me today 🙂   Have a great day!

New to RC and FPV… Hope to get both going before summer is over!

I have a pretty low paying job and finally got some starter planes to learn the basics.  I’ve been using flight sims for almost 20 years and got to ride in a real piper and try out the controls, but never an RC plane. I do have some RC experience with the Blade CX2’s and the Blade CP Pro, but I think planes are my calling with FPV.


I purchased a Spektrum Dx6i and the Parkzone UMX MIG 15 DF and crashed it about 10 times so far.  It still flies tho 🙂  My last purchase was the Parkzone P51-D Mustang which is MUCH easier to fly.


I just ordered the FT 3D Speed Build Swappable kit and hope to get that together soon after it gets here 🙂  I will try out some FPV stuff in the FT 3D when I figure out what to purchase.  I have seen the hobby king $59 starter set, but I have a Hero 2 and I’m leaning towards the OpenLRS stuff so I can add GPS and some other fun things.  I still haven’t figured all that out though.


I just found a few weeks ago and now this site!  You guys are all awesome! Keep up the great work and info!

