My wife is buying my a mystery airplane!

On the evening of the crash of the Twin Boom Biplane I was pretty downcast, and when my wife came home, she could instantly see that something was wrong. So she asked me what had happened. I told her about my day and about the crash and she didn’t even laughed. Instead she look at me and said: – I’m going to buy you a new airplane.

My wife is the best!
That managed to cheer me up quite a bit I must admit.
And I asked what airplane she had planned to buy, and she said:
-I’m not telling, I want it to be a surprise!

I don’t know what airplane she is going to buy but I have been raving on about both the Multiplex Twinstar and the Blizzard and I think it’s going to be one of them.

Oh I’m so exited!

Which one would you pick?

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