Hobbymässan 2009

Yesterday I went to a hobby trade fair in Stockholm here in Sweden. It was a 4 and half hours drive from where I live, and I had never been to the “Hobbymässan” before but from what I could gather from the information on the internet, it seemed to be a quite large event. Even Multiplex was going to be there and show off their new flying wing “Xeno”. Unfortunately the day didn’t turn out as great as I expected.

The Multiplex Merlin. Expected release in 2 weeks

We arrived at about 40 minutes after the fair had opened and paid the quite expensive entering fee of 130 swedish kronor. Once I got inside I discovered that it was a lot smaller than I had anticipated. Looking around, I spotted Multiplex’s booth and set out for that.

The Multiplex FunCopter a copy of the old LMH Corona which I loved. Behind it, the MicroJet.

The Hitec Aurora 9. I liked the touch screen, felt fancy.

I love Multiplex models and I enjoyed seeing a lot of them in real life. The Cularis is huge! I also got to finger on the new FunCopter and the Merlin which was cool, but to my disappointment they had no Xeno on display. After that I went around the rest of the fair which didn’t take long. Most of the fair was dedicated to model trains and such which I found deeply disappointing. I thought this fair was more about RC than anything else. I had also got the impression that there would be much more stuff on sale. I found nothing of interest to buy and after 30 minutes I felt like I had seen it all.

One of the more bizarre RC things I saw, a duck with ducklings swimming around.

After a while we gave up on the hobby fair and took the car to a hobby shop in an other part of the town. I’ve never been to a hobby shop this big before! It was awesome. Walking around the hobby store was more enjoyable than the fair. To my great surprise I found something to save the day for me, a Swift II flying EPP wing! I decided to buy one on the spot. Both Diggs and Jamie of the All Thing That Fly (ATTF) podcast are fans of this wing and I’ve been looking for one here in Sweden for quite a while. I’m glad I finally got my hands on one to try out for myself.

The MScomposite EPP flying wing kalled the Swift II.

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