I just got a package full of review items from Flytron.com!
The package contained:
DT-3K Headtracker
SimpleOSD XL
10Hz GPS
11dBi 2.4GHz circular polarized patch antenna
Micro 50mW 2.4Ghz video transmitter
Micro CMOS Camera
USB to PPM converter
Now I got a lot of stuff to review! I will begin with the DT-3K Headtracker. Keep your eyes open for the review.
Everything unpacked.
The OSD and GPS compared with the OSD PRO from Eagletree. the Simple OSD weighs 1/4th of the OSD PRO. I love the 10Hz GPS size compared to the 5Hz eagletree GPS.
WOW! The Micro 50mW 2.4Ghz video transmitter and the Micro CMOS Camera are tiny! Here they are compared to a “standard” lens lid and lens. The transmitter weighs 1.5 grams and the camera 2.5 grams. Amazing! They both work straight of a 1S lipo. I’m itching to try them out!