What to buy for your first Tricopter?

Many people have e-mailed me asking what electronics I recommend buying for their first Tricopter. So I decided to make a list of what I’ve tested and know work well. This list is intended for a tricopter weighing under 1.2kg fully loaded.
3 x 2213N 800Kv Brushless motors
3 x TURNIGY Plush 18amp Speed Controllers
4 x Hobby King 401B AVCS Digital Head Lock Gyro
1 x 6 pack GWS 10*4.7 propellers
1 x 10 pack prop adapters
1 x BMS-385DMAX Digital Servo (Metal Gear)

1 x 3S 2200mAh Turnigy LiPo
1 x Turnigy UBEC for making the “jump starter” for the gyros

Info on building a Tricopter can be found in the build log
I also made a guide on how to setup a Tricopter

Facts about my Tricopter using this gear:
Power: [email protected] – 6370RPM – 780 grams thrust / motor!
Size: 40cm radius (center to motoraxel)
All up weight: 777 grams
Flight time: 15 minutes
Current draw during hover: ~8A

With the GoPro Hero HD and FPV gear mounted it weighs 989 grams and flies for around 12 minutes.

Hoped that helped someone out there

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