Welcome to the new page!

Woho! It’s finally done! Well the main things are done at least.
A lot of the work has been “under the hood” type of things which hopefully will make the page work a little smoother and be a little more robust.
As you might have noticed there are some new categories added to the menu like News, DIY and Educational. I plan on writing a lot more guides, like a series on how to edit videos like a pro and new antenna tutorials.

The News section will be updated with news I find interesting and worth telling you about. I will also be featuring other peoples videos and build logs in there so be sure to check back once in a while.

I will also be having a live chat every once in a while where you can ask me questions or just hang out and have a good time. I’ll try to announce the time well in advance as best as I can.

Let’s kick off the new homepage with a 7 day SUPER UPDATE MEGA ÜBER build log of my new MiniQuad! That’s right, everyday for the next 7 days there will be an update on the project. The first update is already up and can be found here
Ok so how do YOU like the new page? What’s good? What’s bad?
I would like to know that you think so be sure to leave a comment!

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