TriFlight Setup guide

Thanks to the fantastic work of Lauka and everyone on the forums, we now have a specially tailored firmware for tricopters dubbed TriFlight!
The new firmware vastly improves the flight performance of the tricopter as it features a ton of optimisation specifically tailored for tricopters. Among other things it features a custom in-flight adjustment for the thrust to torque factor of the powertrain as well as a equal yaw rate algorithm to get the same yaw speed in both directions.

The setup for the Tricopter V3.5 and the MiniTricopter is now made even simpler as the firmware is already pre configured with the correct PID’s and settings for the recommended electronics.

If you want to join the development, there is a +40 page forum post where this firmware was born and polished by our fantastic forum members. By tricopter pilots for tricopter pilots. Together we are strong!

If you want to print or cut your own Servo Setup Tool you can download the STL and SVG file here. Be aware that I have not tested if this file prints correctly. The file was designed by trial and error on my laser cutter. The file might need adjusting to get perfect 40° deflection.

26 thoughts on “TriFlight Setup guide

  1. Great setup guide David! Really demystifies the setup process 🙂
    I have test printed the Servo Setup Tool @0.2 layer height, 10% infill, 400% Z-axis (makes it 16mm thick). Works perfectly for me 🙂

  2. Thanks for your knowledge and time David with the tricopter build!!! I have my V3.5 with stuff mounted Naze32, works well, but went ahead and placed my order for the built in Naze32! Purchased at 12:05am, so glad this was my first buy of 2016!!!! Looking forward to it! Just great work from an awesome community.

  3. looks cool but i am having problems with the new firmware : (
    After I flash it and arm the copter only the left and rear motors work.
    the right motor just stays at 1/2 throttle or doesn’t move at all.

    I flashed 2 different boards and reverted back to triflight 0.1 and its back to normal operation but the CLI Commands are missing from the website for the old firmware so I have a tail servo problem so i cant fly! I have a trip planed tomorrow and we are driving be a old shutdown aluminum plant and was hoping to get some HD video recording

    either need the CLI Commands for the old firmware or fix the new firmware

    Please help! Thanks Steve’

    • I would recommend updating BLHeli on that ESC. If two of them are working on not the last one you’re probably running different firmwares.
      Here is the CLI dump for mini tricopter on Triflight 0.1 firmware:
      # version
      # CleanFlight/NAZE 1.10.0 Aug 19 2015 / 12:08:00 (9aba651)
      # dump master

      # mixer
      mixer TRI
      mmix reset
      smix reset

      # feature
      feature -RX_PPM
      feature -VBAT
      feature -INFLIGHT_ACC_CAL
      feature -RX_SERIAL
      feature -MOTOR_STOP
      feature -SERVO_TILT
      feature -SOFTSERIAL
      feature -GPS
      feature -FAILSAFE
      feature -SONAR
      feature -TELEMETRY
      feature -CURRENT_METER
      feature -3D
      feature -RX_PARALLEL_PWM
      feature -RX_MSP
      feature -RSSI_ADC
      feature -LED_STRIP
      feature -DISPLAY
      feature -ONESHOT125
      feature -BLACKBOX
      feature RX_PPM
      feature VBAT
      feature MOTOR_STOP
      feature FAILSAFE
      feature ONESHOT125

      # map
      map AETR1234

      # serial
      serial 0 1 115200 57600 0 115200
      serial 1 0 115200 57600 0 115200

      # led
      led 0 15,15:ES:IA:0
      led 1 15,8:E:WF:0
      led 2 15,7:E:WF:0
      led 3 15,0:NE:IA:0
      led 4 8,0:N:F:0
      led 5 7,0:N:F:0
      led 6 0,0:NW:IA:0
      led 7 0,7:W:WF:0
      led 8 0,8:W:WF:0
      led 9 0,15:SW:IA:0
      led 10 7,15:S:WF:0
      led 11 8,15:S:WF:0
      led 12 7,7:U:WF:0
      led 13 8,7:U:WF:0
      led 14 7,8:D:WF:0
      led 15 8,8:D:WF:0
      led 16 8,9::R:3
      led 17 9,10::R:3
      led 18 10,11::R:3
      led 19 10,12::R:3
      led 20 9,13::R:3
      led 21 8,14::R:3
      led 22 7,14::R:3
      led 23 6,13::R:3
      led 24 5,12::R:3
      led 25 5,11::R:3
      led 26 6,10::R:3
      led 27 7,9::R:3
      led 28 0,0:::0
      led 29 0,0:::0
      led 30 0,0:::0
      led 31 0,0:::0

      # color
      color 0 0,0,0
      color 1 0,255,255
      color 2 0,0,255
      color 3 30,0,255
      color 4 60,0,255
      color 5 90,0,255
      color 6 120,0,255
      color 7 150,0,255
      color 8 180,0,255
      color 9 210,0,255
      color 10 240,0,255
      color 11 270,0,255
      color 12 300,0,255
      color 13 330,0,255
      color 14 0,0,0
      color 15 0,0,0

      set looptime = 0
      set sync_gyro_to_loop = 1
      set emf_avoidance = 0
      set rc_smoothing = 1
      set mid_rc = 1531
      set min_check = 1100
      set max_check = 1900
      set rssi_channel = 0
      set rssi_scale = 30
      set rssi_ppm_invert = 0
      set input_filtering_mode = 0
      set min_throttle = 1080
      set max_throttle = 1990
      set min_command = 1000
      set servo_center_pulse = 1520
      set 3d_deadband_low = 1406
      set 3d_deadband_high = 1514
      set 3d_neutral = 1460
      set 3d_deadband_throttle = 50
      set motor_pwm_rate = 400
      set servo_pwm_rate = 250
      set retarded_arm = 0
      set disarm_kill_switch = 1
      set auto_disarm_delay = 5
      set small_angle = 25
      set fixedwing_althold_dir = 1
      set reboot_character = 82
      set gps_provider = 0
      set gps_sbas_mode = 0
      set gps_auto_config = 1
      set gps_auto_baud = 0
      set serialrx_provider = 0
      set spektrum_sat_bind = 0
      set telemetry_switch = 0
      set telemetry_inversion = 0
      set frsky_default_lattitude = 0.000
      set frsky_default_longitude = 0.000
      set frsky_coordinates_format = 0
      set frsky_unit = 0
      set frsky_vfas_precision = 0
      set hott_alarm_sound_interval = 5
      set battery_capacity = 0
      set vbat_scale = 110
      set vbat_max_cell_voltage = 43
      set vbat_min_cell_voltage = 33
      set vbat_warning_cell_voltage = 35
      set current_meter_scale = 400
      set current_meter_offset = 0
      set multiwii_current_meter_output = 0
      set current_meter_type = 1
      set align_gyro = 0
      set align_acc = 0
      set align_mag = 0
      set align_board_roll = 0
      set align_board_pitch = 180
      set align_board_yaw = 0
      set max_angle_inclination = 500
      set gyro_lpf = 188
      set moron_threshold = 32
      set gyro_cmpf_factor = 600
      set gyro_cmpfm_factor = 250
      set yaw_control_direction = 1
      set pid_at_min_throttle = 1
      set yaw_motor_direction = 0
      set yaw_jump_prevention_limit = 200
      set tri_unarmed_servo = 1
      set servo_lowpass_freq = 120
      set servo_lowpass_enable = 1
      set failsafe_delay = 10
      set failsafe_off_delay = 200
      set failsafe_throttle = 1000
      set rx_min_usec = 885
      set rx_max_usec = 2115
      set acc_hardware = 0
      set mag_hardware = 0
      set blackbox_rate_num = 1
      set blackbox_rate_denom = 1
      set blackbox_device = 0
      set magzero_x = 0
      set magzero_y = 0
      set magzero_z = 0

      # rxfail
      rxfail 0 h 1500
      rxfail 1 h 1500
      rxfail 2 h 1500
      rxfail 3 h 1500
      rxfail 4 h 1500
      rxfail 5 h 1500
      rxfail 6 h 1500
      rxfail 7 h 1500
      rxfail 8 h 1500
      rxfail 9 h 1500
      rxfail 10 h 1500
      rxfail 11 h 1500
      rxfail 12 h 1500
      rxfail 13 h 1500

      # dump profile

      # profile
      profile 0

      # aux
      aux 0 0 0 1575 2100
      aux 1 12 2 1775 2100
      aux 2 0 0 900 900
      aux 3 0 0 900 900
      aux 4 0 0 900 900
      aux 5 0 0 900 900
      aux 6 0 0 900 900
      aux 7 0 0 900 900
      aux 8 0 0 900 900
      aux 9 0 0 900 900
      aux 10 0 0 900 900
      aux 11 0 0 900 900
      aux 12 0 0 900 900
      aux 13 0 0 900 900
      aux 14 0 0 900 900
      aux 15 0 0 900 900
      aux 16 0 0 900 900
      aux 17 0 0 900 900
      aux 18 0 0 900 900
      aux 19 0 0 900 900

      # adjrange
      adjrange 0 0 0 900 900 0 0
      adjrange 1 0 0 900 900 0 0
      adjrange 2 0 0 900 900 0 0
      adjrange 3 0 0 900 900 0 0
      adjrange 4 0 0 900 900 0 0
      adjrange 5 0 0 900 900 0 0
      adjrange 6 0 0 900 900 0 0
      adjrange 7 0 0 900 900 0 0
      adjrange 8 0 0 900 900 0 0
      adjrange 9 0 0 900 900 0 0
      adjrange 10 0 0 900 900 0 0
      adjrange 11 0 0 900 900 0 0

      # rxrange
      rxrange 0 1000 2000
      rxrange 1 1000 2000
      rxrange 2 1000 2000
      rxrange 3 1000 2000

      # servo
      servo 0 1000 2000 1500 90 90 100 -1
      servo 1 1000 2000 1500 90 90 100 -1
      servo 2 1000 2000 1500 90 90 100 -1
      servo 3 1000 2000 1500 90 90 100 -1
      servo 4 1000 2000 1500 90 90 100 -1
      servo 5 1000 2000 1500 90 90 100 -1
      servo 6 1000 2000 1500 90 90 100 -1
      servo 7 1000 2000 1500 90 90 100 -1

      set gps_pos_p = 15
      set gps_pos_i = 0
      set gps_pos_d = 0
      set gps_posr_p = 34
      set gps_posr_i = 14
      set gps_posr_d = 53
      set gps_nav_p = 25
      set gps_nav_i = 33
      set gps_nav_d = 83
      set gps_wp_radius = 200
      set nav_controls_heading = 1
      set nav_speed_min = 100
      set nav_speed_max = 300
      set nav_slew_rate = 30
      set alt_hold_deadband = 40
      set alt_hold_fast_change = 1
      set deadband = 4
      set yaw_deadband = 5
      set throttle_correction_value = 0
      set throttle_correction_angle = 800
      set default_rate_profile = 0
      set gimbal_mode = 0
      set acc_lpf_factor = 4
      set accxy_deadband = 40
      set accz_deadband = 40
      set accz_lpf_cutoff = 5.000
      set acc_unarmedcal = 1
      set acc_trim_pitch = 0
      set acc_trim_roll = 0
      set baro_tab_size = 21
      set baro_noise_lpf = 0.600
      set baro_cf_vel = 0.985
      set baro_cf_alt = 0.965
      set mag_declination = 0
      set pid_controller = 2
      set p_pitch = 40
      set i_pitch = 30
      set d_pitch = 23
      set p_roll = 40
      set i_roll = 30
      set d_roll = 23
      set p_yaw = 85
      set i_yaw = 45
      set d_yaw = 0
      set p_pitchf = 1.200
      set i_pitchf = 0.500
      set d_pitchf = 0.033
      set p_rollf = 1.300
      set i_rollf = 0.550
      set d_rollf = 0.035
      set p_yawf = 3.200
      set i_yawf = 1.400
      set d_yawf = 0.060
      set level_horizon = 3.000
      set level_angle = 5.000
      set sensitivity_horizon = 75
      set p_alt = 50
      set i_alt = 0
      set d_alt = 0
      set p_level = 90
      set i_level = 10
      set d_level = 100
      set p_vel = 120
      set i_vel = 45
      set d_vel = 1
      set yaw_p_limit = 500
      set gyro_cut_hz = 0
      set pterm_cut_hz = 40
      set dterm_cut_hz = 14

      # dump rates

      # rateprofile
      rateprofile 0

      set rc_rate = 100
      set rc_expo = 60
      set rc_yaw_expo = 60
      set thr_mid = 50
      set thr_expo = 0
      set roll_rate = 40
      set pitch_rate = 40
      set yaw_rate = 35
      set tpa_rate = 50
      set tpa_breakpoint = 1500
      set tpa_yaw_rate = 50
      set tpa_yaw_breakpoint = 1100


      • Totally appreciate all the help! I bought a flash tool and got Blheli loaded on some new dys 20a. I was surprised how simple it was to use the flash tool, should have got one sooner.

        As for the new firmware, WOW! the little TriCopter is supper smooth and responsive. Thanks for everyone involved for creating a unique model.

  4. Hey David, I have the Hitec Flash 7 and an Optima 7, can I use PPM with that? What receiver are you using? I thought only the optima’s have built in telemetry but only the Maxima’s have PPM. -Stefano

  5. I would like to buy the Mini Tricopter and I have a question….
    Is my Graupner mz-12 (6 channel) enough for ti mini tricopter, or was I to cheap and I have to buy another one?
    Your fan.. Max.

  6. Does anyone have suggested settings for using triflght with tricopter 2.6HV? Thinking of switching to naze32. Any starting point would be helpful.

  7. I have the original naze32 frame but can’t find the setup file. I have no idea what I am doing. Things that I would like to do
    1. get the file to set up this board and find the version that I have that will work with triflight with autotune..
    2. find the place the leds connect if any.
    3. I got the tricopter in 2016 got it together texted it would lift off but the moment I touched the controls it went upside down and, well, crashed and everything that goes with it new props and same thing. then I got sick and couldn’t walk or bend over to retrieve the copter.
    4 the present, made more mistakes and need the file above. And so much has changed and I am having problems catching up.
    If some one has time to help thanks in advance.

  8. Hi David.

    I just buy and build the Babytricopter (all of the parts from your store except the motors) but I had a bad moment and the FB pin in the FC was damaged, so I want to use the led pin for the FB of the servo but I don’t know which is the resource name for it. servo.

    I have the address of the led pin just the resource name I need.

    I am not using the serialrx2 as I have a GPS on that.

    Could you help me to identify the resource name?

    For the other hand I can see 2 pins named similar for sensors use, can I connect my barometer to them?


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