The Chernobyl experience

At the end of last month I was fortunately enough to travel with the Rotor Riot crew to Ukraine. It was a crazy cool experience. We got to fly at Chernobyl, Pripyat, around Kiev and craziest of all; The Antonov 225 (The largest airplane in the world). I join up with the FT Afterhour crew to talk about this amazing experience.


My first selfie

antonov 225

Click to listen. The Chernobyl experience starts at the 58 minute mark.

FT Afterhours article with pictures

4 thoughts on “The Chernobyl experience

  1. David, I believe that the fried cubes of pig fat that you ate is called schmalz. It’s definitely an acquired taste!
    This podcast was so much fun to listen to; hearing all the stories from Flite Fest and from your trip to Chernobyl was
    absolutely fantastic! Thank you for taking the time to record it!

    By the way, are you planning on coming to Flite Fest West this winter? It would be great to meet you 🙂

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