
Improving EVG920/RVision goggles

I never liked wearing my video goggles. They were uncomfortable and you had to have a t-shirt or something over your head to block out the sun. Well, I wasn’t going to live with that any more! So I went and got myself a pair of ski goggles and started to modify my video goggles.

In this guide I will show you how I modified my EVG920 goggles but the method should not be to difficult to adopt to any brand of video goggles.

I started by removing the rubber pads that cover all the screws

I then unscrewed the screws and using something a small allen wrench I poked the hinge pin out

I then unhooked the connectors

Carefully I pryed the clips that hold the front in place open

The inside revealed.

The main connector wires
Green: Right audio
Brown: Audio Ground
White: Left Audio
Blue: Video Ground
Yellow: Video Signal
Black: Power Ground
Red: Power, about 4.2V

Since I won’t be using any audio I soldered a servo cable to the wires I needed.
Servo cable red -> Red
Servo cable orange -> Yellow
servo cable brown -> Black and blue
I removed the other cables from the connector

I then drilled a hole for the cable and fixated it using hot glue on the inside

I used a dremel to make a hole for the goggles, in the goggles (the ski ones…)

I then glued the goggles in place using epoxy and painted the front black.

I was carefull not to get any black paint on the front of the video goggles as there is a IR reciever underneeth the “glass”

A view from the inside

The googles are now extremly confertable to wear and they block out the sun very well. I’m so glad I finally made this modification.

New FPV video – “Reflections”

Sorry guys for not posting as frequently as before, but life is really beating me down at the moment. Just for you guys I stayed up late last night editing my latest video – “Reflections”

This video was filmed in the small town I grew up in, Tibro. I love flying over the water. It’s tough because you don’t get the same visual references for estimating hight and speed. But I like a bit of a challenge. Hope you enjoy the video

New firmware for the GoPro

For those of you that have missed it, GoPro has released a new firmware for the HD Hero camera. Why then is this such a big deal? The new firmware transforms the HD Hero into a great FPV camera by enabling live output. Now there’s no more need to “trick” the camera for FPV use. You simply enable live output in the settings menu once and every time you plug in the AV cable, the camera outputs a live video feed.

The updating process is pretty straight forward. Simply follow the instructions on the GoPro site and you’ll be fine. I’ve updated my camera and I can confirm that it works great. I’m so glad that I took the time to write the “GoPro Hero HD Live output trick” guide now 😉

Generous readers

I would like to devote this post to all of you that have helped me financing this page and my projects. Without you guys this page wouldn’t be where it is today, and for that I thank you. I would like to give a special thanks to Corey from the USA for all his generous donations. I also want to thank Lucas from Switzerland, Charles from the USA, and Micke from Sweden. Micke donated a Hitec Optima 6 receiver which will be placed in the Tricopter.

No matter if you simply visit this page, write a comment or donate money, I’m grateful for your support.

I’m back!

Hi guys! Sorry for disappearing on you. I’ve been moving to a new apartment (Yay!) and I lost my internet connection a bit earlier than I expected. But now I got it back and the move is nearly finished. The new apartment is 3 room 72.5m2 compared to our old 2 room measuring 57m2. This means that I get a RC-room!

It’s quite a mess at the time but I think it will be awesome once it’s done.

The weather here in Sweden has been terrible the past two weeks and I’ve only flown once since the last update. Oh when I say fly, I mean crash.

The horizontal stab came loose during launch… Now I need a new wing, fin and stab. I will definitely take the time to fix her up or get a new once because F3K is awesome.

Next update will be soon