I never liked wearing my video goggles. They were uncomfortable and you had to have a t-shirt or something over your head to block out the sun. Well, I wasn’t going to live with that any more! So I went and got myself a pair of ski goggles and started to modify my video goggles.
In this guide I will show you how I modified my EVG920 goggles but the method should not be to difficult to adopt to any brand of video goggles.
I started by removing the rubber pads that cover all the screws
I then unscrewed the screws and using something a small allen wrench I poked the hinge pin out
I then unhooked the connectors
Carefully I pryed the clips that hold the front in place open
The inside revealed.
The main connector wires
Green: Right audio
Brown: Audio Ground
White: Left Audio
Blue: Video Ground
Yellow: Video Signal
Black: Power Ground
Red: Power, about 4.2V
Since I won’t be using any audio I soldered a servo cable to the wires I needed.
Servo cable red -> Red
Servo cable orange -> Yellow
servo cable brown -> Black and blue
I removed the other cables from the connector
I then drilled a hole for the cable and fixated it using hot glue on the inside
I used a dremel to make a hole for the goggles, in the goggles (the ski ones…)
I then glued the goggles in place using epoxy and painted the front black.
I was carefull not to get any black paint on the front of the video goggles as there is a IR reciever underneeth the “glass”
A view from the inside
The googles are now extremly confertable to wear and they block out the sun very well. I’m so glad I finally made this modification.