I’ve got it back!!!


Oh I’m so happy!

After putting up the posters in the local grocery stores I hoped so bad that the phone would ring…

And after a while it did!

The woman on the line said that she and her fellow workers were just about to start there 2 o’clock meeting when they heard a thump outside.

Curiously they went outside to see what had happend and there on the sidewalk surrounded by people, laid my easystar.
It had struck the side of the stone building and fallen down on the sidewalk.

The building it had struck was the City Hall!!!

The woman had taken it inside to keep it safe.
Later that day the woman had gone shopping groceries at the grocery store and by shance glanced at the postingboard on the way out, and she spotted my poster.

The first question I asked was; did it hit someone?
My second question was; was there any damage to the building?

And she laughed and said; Of course not!

Oh what a relief!

So the next day I went to the city hall to pick the plane up.
They were verry nice and asked alot of the standard questions like;
how far does it go, how high does it go, how fast, how long and so on.
And we had some coffie and cineman buns that I had brought with me.

Later that day the locoal newspaper called me and wanted to do an article on RC flying and the crash.
They just left 10 mintes ago, and by friday the article will be publiched.

Oh I’m so glad that no one got hurt by my stupidity!
I made alot of mistakes and I have learned a valuble lesson or three.

… and the plane?

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