I’m mentioned on the ATTF and InsideHeli Podcasts!

I was sitting at work, doing a monotone task and listening to the newest episode of All things that fly, when I suddenly heard my homepage being mentioned on the show. They had found my Tricopter build and thought it was awesome. They spent 5 minutes talking about the build and tricopters in general.

You can download and listen to the episode here; ATTF #133.mp3
They start talking about the Tricopter about 36 minutes in to the show.

I always listen to ATTF first then InsideHeli and to my great surprice this weeks episode was named “Lipo Fire and TriCopters”
32 minutes in to the episode they start to talk about my build!
Chris thinks it looks like a scorpion and now wants to build one himself. They spent over 12 minutes talking about the build and tricopters in general.

You can download and listen to the episode here; InsideHeli #84.mp3

A big thanks to Diggs, Jamie, Chris and James for doing the shows. I always look forward to tuesdays, because that’s ATTF day.

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