23 thoughts on “Tricopter kits out of stock again

  1. David, in the mean time and if you have some time, please consider designing a yaw mechanism where mass isn’t shifted left or right as is now the case. That’s the only weak point in the great design imho. A motor hanging in a U bracket will work well for example. The problem with the yaw axis below the motor is that the frame initially yaws in the opposite direction of where the controller expects/wants it to go. This causes yaw oscillations that can only be cured by lowering yaw gains a lot, or inverting the motor and yaw mechanism. Using Arducopter, I had to lower my yaw-stab-P gain to 0.15 from the default of 0.45 to stop the oscillations.

  2. Hi David, well that was be be expected 🙂

    Have you considered doing a “How it’s made – The RCExplorer Tricopter V3” episode? I for one would love to know more about the process behind making my favorite kit 🙂

  3. I just received my Tri-Copter today in the mail! Man the shipping was astoundingly quick – 8 days to get to Texas from Sweden! I only have my motors in so far but I am about to make sure all the parts are intact. I can’t wait to get this build started, thanks very much for such a clean build product!

  4. received mine, it looks gorgeous.
    will be even more so when completed and flew.
    cute little thanks note as well, gave me giggles.
    Keep up the good work, and thanks David!

  5. David,

    Congrats on the business. And on Rotor DR1 I was a little late to the party but saw all the episodes last night! How cool!
    When you get Tri’s some back in stock I’ll be ordering one.

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