33 thoughts on “Updated setup video for Triflight

  1. Great video with useful information as usual! 😀
    Have successfully connected my F3FC board to my windows computer, and learned that I need a new Spektrum serial receiver.

  2. From the F3FC video, I gather David mentioned this board supports both PPM & Serial which uses a single cable BUT NOT Parallel PWM which uses multiple cables. And David just showed the SBUS connection in the video.

    David please confirm this is correct.

  3. Hi David! One recommendation I have is to add a beeper to the electronics kit or F3FC kit, or perhaps to their pages as a recommended item, as I completely forgot until this video that I did not order one.

  4. Just out of curiosity, what’s the copter actually (and physically) doing during the tail tune? I would have expected that during tail tune, the copter would be wagging its tail from side to side in order to “learn” the copter’s tail response. In this video however it looks like the copter stays pretty stationary in the yaw axis. Can anybody explain this?

    • It tunes what the centre of the tail is until the I term stays at 0 during hover. It does this by increasing or decreasing the position and doing a new reading until the I term no longer is needed to hold the tail. (simplified explanation)

      • Sorry David but your explanation is not quite correct; same for both your text and your video.

        The thrust factor is calculated from the average servo angle during the tuning process.

        From TriFlight 0.5 Beta 3 the details are as below.
        (Before it was roughly the same concept, but a bit more complex and sensitive calculations).

        It is collecting 500 measurements of the servo angle, one every 20 ms.
        For each measurement it first checks that the sticks has been inside the deadband limits AND that yaw gyro has been stable (<3.5 deg/s), both for at least 0.25 seconds.
        For every 32 accepted measurements there is one short beep (so there should be 15 of those before the ready beep).
        Then, after disarming, it calculates the average servo angle and from that the thrust factor = 1/tan(angle).

        So in theory, in super calm conditions and with the hover stable before the measurements starts, the collection of measurements can be finished in 10 s. IRL maybe 30 s. Quick is good and more accurate.
        For accuracy the unarmed bench tuning must be done first with the mid as accurate as you can and it's critical that you check your transmitter mid's so they really are within the deadband limits.

  5. Hi guys – I’m having an issue with this firmware. I don’t have all the exact same parts – so please take that with a grain of salt.

    The radio is working fine with the correct movement with the tail servo, and in clean flight everything looks fine when it comes to movement of the tri. But, when the tri moves, the tail servo is adjusting automatically in the WRONG direction. I’ve confirmed that the board is correctly laid out in the software (naze 32 that is turned 180 – yaw). I have that programed in, but as soon as I take off, my tri goes into extreme SPIN in circles mode. Any help?

  6. Hi David,
    any idea when can we expect the rest of the vids to be updated?
    I do not want to mess up my brand spanking sexy copter by building it myself without your expert guidance.

      • Take your time David. Like everybody else I wanted the build video days ago, but I can wait knowing the video will be as good, fun and informative as always. 🙂 This as long you don’t spend all your time watching UEFA Euro 2016. 😛

        I have mounted the motors and the servo on the arms. Also mounded the pin header hoping nothing changed because of the F3FC. Now waiting for video before continuing.

  7. Just got my new F3FC board and I am having an issue with the driver. I am running windows 7 so im doing the windows set in the video but when I get to the part where windows tries to find the driver it searches for quite awhile and ends up unsuccessful. Tried 2 different computers at 2 different locations and get the same thing, any suggestions?

    • Have you started the Zadig program yet? I could not wait for the video, so I tried connecting the F3FC before I know there was a boot button on the tricopter. (Win8) Because of this I manage to set the wrong unit/driver to WinUSB. After watching the setup video I manage to connect in DFU mode, but not normal mode. This because my earlier actions. Windows said nothing then connecting, but Zadig saw the unit and I could change it back to right driver.

  8. What FC boards can I use this software on? I have a MultiWii_328P and I’m not sure it will work. I wouold be realy thankful if you could tell me if it’s compatible and wich steps I need to follow. Thanks

  9. THAT’S how you set up the tail tilt now?!?! My god, I’m living in the dark ages, still messing around with the Servos tab! You just saved me 15 minutes on each of the two tricopters I’ll be building next week.

  10. I created a support ticket for this, but any pointers on how to correctly setup BARO mode? Although I can see the barometer working correctly on CleanFlight’s Sensors page, when I turn on BARO mode, the throttle goes spastic crazy. Any hints for Barometer PIDs?

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