Servos delayed. Temporary solution.

Update! We’re now out of replacement servos!

BlueBird just informed me that the delivery of feedback servos have been pushed back to the end of October / early November, as they have a problem with one of their suppliers. *insert curse word here*.

We’ve come up with a temporary solution. We’ll order a batch of Turnigy branded 210 servos and modifying them to 4 wire feedback servos. The Turnigy 210 servo is a rebranded BMS-210DMH and thus have identical performance, size etc to the BMS-210DMH servos that we sell. The difference is that the Turnigy servo does not have a feedback wire. We would modify these servos (before shipping) to add a 4 wire servo cable, so that you get the same feedback functionality as with our regular servo.


This is how a modified servo would look, except it would have “Turnigy” printed on the side. Performance would be the same, but it wouldn’t look as good as the RCExplorer branded version, plus the servo wire would be slightly thicker.

We could start shipping these servos in less than 2 weeks. This means that we can ship all current backorders at that time (if you have a current backorder you will get an email about this, please respond as soon as possible).

If you place an order containing a servo after today, you may get this modified version, without special notice. As we may run out of the modified version before the regular servos are back in stock, any orders placed after today might still have to wait for the regular servos to come back in stock (estimate; early November). If you’d rather wait for the regular servos, you can leave a note with your order requesting this and we’ll ship your order as soon as the RCExplorer servos are back in stock.

15 thoughts on “Servos delayed. Temporary solution.

  1. Been waiting for servo to come back to order my V4 so might just order now rather then waiting but wondering since you’re modifying the servo are you going to put on the correct length or will you still just supply the cable ?

  2. Hi I order my babytri and got my self a BMS-22HV… which i managed to get in the post today from hobbyking.. where is the guide on adding the feedback wire guide ?

  3. Cool, That’s a great news ! I was wating for it for my first tricopter project ! (Full HD-60i/s Video recording machine, 3 axis stabilized brushless gimbal, less than 500 gr… yes, it’s possible ! 😉 )

  4. I am planning to order the mini tri-copter including the electronic kit. Two questions:
    1) Is there an upgrade for the motors or are they fine as they are?
    2) The website says it is on back-order yet I read you can get the replacement servo. I assume the back-order is due to the servo. So if I order the electronic kit today, do I have to wait or are you shipping it out with the replacement servo?

    Jan from the UK

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