4 thoughts on “Recreating the Mythbusters rocket car

  1. Devid, you crazy Swede 😀
    Only thing I missed compared to the Mythbusters original… FPV flight with your tricopter following and filming the scene from above 😉
    Keep up exploring the RC world, more crashes at a time 😉

  2. Ive kinda got the feeling that RC car/truck would have gone quicker with the electric motor removed…
    Any chance of a 2nd attempt?
    Perhaps using a DeLorean as Im sure it’ll easily surpass 88mph! :v
    Either way, Im eagerly awaiting an FPV-Tricopter-Rocket episode…..pleeezz??
    Or is Tri-rocket-copter being saved for the final episode…???
    Thanks again! 🙂

  3. David,
    Love the beard!
    Anyway amazing video as usual.

    Hint: Your center of thrust is not in line with the center of mass.
    Outstanding and great fun to watch thanks
    Billy D

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