Welcome to the new homepage!

Friends, let me present to you the brand new and improved RCExplorer homepage!

The homepage is now based on wordpress and about 500 posts had to be moved and around 3000-4000 links had to be redirected. But now it’s all done and ready to use. Chris, my webdesigner has done an amazing job turning my vision into reality, and I owe him a big time. So thank you Chris!

Unfortunately all the old comments from the old homepage were lost when the 3:rd party plugin was discontinued. But I plan on making that up to you guys by being much more active on the page and answering comments. I have now quit my job and getting ready for my trip to the US. Which means I now have much more time for the homepage.

One of the new features is the “Open Blog“, where anyone can make a blog post about their RC adventures, to share and inspire. I really look forward to seeing what you guys are up to.

To celebrate the launch of the new homepage my friend Adam baked this awesome cake:

RCExplorer tårta
It tasted as awesome as it looks!
So get over to the “Open Blog” and start posting!