Filmed during the Rotor DR1 shoot at Rolling Acres mall in Ohio, USA
Link to the episode in which the footage was used.
The Rolling Acres mall closed down in 2008. It is a really creepy place. It’s huge and empty. Every single piece of glass is broken. The glass sky lights were broken and water was dripping on the floor with an echoey splash. It was absolutely awesome! Someone in the Rotor DR1 community knew the owners and arranged that we could shoot there. Naturally I had to bring the tricopter.
Reception was surpassingly good considering I was using 5.8Ghz. Probably because there weren’t a single electrical device in or even a power-grid nearby. I broke a total of 8 props during the day and flew a total of 8 batteries. I lost all 3 landing gear during the day (couldn’t find them) due to low flying and scraping the floor.Continue Reading