Official release of Triflight 0.5

The Triflight 0.5 has moved out of the Beta stage. Now rebased on Cleanflight v1.13 which makes flashing easier. It also supports BLheli 4w interface for BLHeli passthrough among with many flight performance updates.

Here are some new features compared to Triflight 0.4

  • Rebased on Cleanflight v1.13.
  • Support for servo reversing (alpha)
  • Dynamic yaw output based on tail motor speed, replaces TPA for yaw (beta 3)
  • Tail motor acceleration/deceleration produced error estimation and correction (beta 3)
  • Support for wired servo feedback signal for accurate position measurement (beta 1beta 2)
  • Unarmed tail tune mode for setting up servo end-points, center position and speed calibration (beta 1)
  • More precise in-flight tail tune (beta 1)
  • Many small improvements.


  • Defaults are tuned for RCExplorer Baby tricopter (170mm sized). Should work okay for larger copters as well. Specific tunes for the Tricopter V4 and Mini Tricopter coming soon.
  • Display feature has been disabled for NAZE and CC3D targets due to memory constraints.
  • Best thing to do is a full chip erase doing flashing.
  • Please redo the servo setup / tail tune after flashing otherwise things might not work as they should.

We would love to get your feedback on how the official 0.5 release works for you. We’ve had great success with it so far. People have reported that the feel of this release has improved greatly and the tail handles even better.

Use the link below to jump over to the forum and give your feedback!

Triflight 0.5

2 thoughts on “Official release of Triflight 0.5

  1. This does not work with Cleanflight 1.2.4 with the new “power and battery tab”. It makes me upgrade my firmware to the latest 1.14.1 which does not have the tail tune in it. I there a newer Triflight that is compatible with the new Cleanflight configurator?


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